Tony, Pepper, and the Avengers watched Hope and Morgan with Midnight in the barn in silence until Steve broke it.
"So Tony, are you going to tell us why you brought us here and the truth this time."
Tony kept his eye on his girls as he answered Steve, "I brought us here in hopes that this place and Hope can help Barnes the same way they helped me two years ago."
Everyone but Pepper was stunned by Tony's confession, she gave him a reassuring smile as she lightly squeezed his shoulder, and Steve, Sam, and Bucky gave each other a look.
"Do you mean after Siberia?" Steve asked, Tony simply nodded his head.
"After Siberia, I was lost, full of anger, anger at you, at Barnes, at Hydra, and I was spiraling and even Pepper could not help me and she was afraid for me so she called Hope, and told her what was happening. Hope got on the first flight to New York, she came stomping into the lab at the compound and just dragged me out and brought me back here."
While Tony was talking, Bucky couldn't look at him without feeling guilty, even angry with himself over what happened with Howard and Maria Stark.
"When I first got here, Hope left me to my thoughts for a few days, but not without putting me to work," there were a few chuckles from the team.
"After 10 days I think, she had enough of my wallowing so she got me out of the house and on a horse, we took a long trail ride and that was where I broke down and I told her everything that happened between us, what Barnes did, the entire time she was quiet as I let everything out."
Suddenly before Tony could continue everyone got distracted by a sudden scream, everyone looked around trying to find the danger when they heard laughter this time, they looked towards the barn and saw Hope running away and Morgan chasing after her with a water hose spraying her with water.
"Morgan, you little turd," Hope laughed as she grabbed a bucket of water and threw it at Morgan who squealed with laughter, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
"Relax guys, this place is very remote and only a few trusted people know about it, I had it like that to keep Hope protected since she was little, even more after I announced that I was Iron Man."
"Tony, how are you sure that this place will help Bucky?" Steve asked.
"Because this place gives second chances, you see it's not just horses that Hope has helped, she has helped their owners as well with their trauma that they would not even admit they had. Hope is the definition of a pure soul, you saw how she was able to read her horse earlier, she is like that with people too," Tony looked at Bucky this time.
"She was even able to read you the moment she saw you, Barnes, she said that she could see the guilt you still carry as well as the anger you have for yourself," Buck looked at Tony with wide eyes, and he finally spoke.
"Ever after knowing the truth of what I did to her grandparents, your parents Tony, she is still willing to help me."
"I know right, a pure soul with a kind and forgiving heart who does not judge, that is my daughter, and I still can't believe it," Pepper rubbed Tony's shoulders as she kissed his cheek.
"I know, what on earth did you deserve to have a one-in-a-million daughter like her," Pepper said, she was going to say more but she got interrupted when a soaking-wet Hope and Morgan walked over to them.
"What in the world?" Pepper looked at both girls who were just grinning.
"Yeah, it got a little out of hand thanks to this little turd," Hope looking at Morgan.

Bucky's Hope (A Bucky Barnes Love Story)
FanfictionStill being tormented and haunted by the memories of when he was the Winter Soldier. Bucky has tried so many things to help him deal with the trauma of his past but nothing has helped. The Avengers can see how bad the nightmares are affecting Bucky...