Chapter 56

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Hope's POV:

I noticed that it had suddenly grown quiet, both James and I looked and saw everyone watching us, some with shocked expressions while others were grinning ear to ear, I looked at James.

"Would you like to do the honors?"

"Alright," James turned to everyone as he took hold of my hand, interlacing our fingers, "Yes, we have admitted our feeling for each other, we love each other."

Everyone cheered and clapped with joy.

"Dear God, at last, I'm glad the pinning away can finally stop," Sam said.

"I thought it was adorable," Natasha said.

"Who cares, I'm just glad they have admitted their true feelings to each other," Wanda chimed in.

"Okay, how is it that Tony is so calm about this?" Steve asked.

"Because Capsicle, I already knew, Hope is happy and that's all I have ever cared about, but, I'm warning you now Barnes if you hurt her in any way, shape, or form I will come after you and even Wakanda will not be able to hide you from me this time," Dad said.

"And there is the Dad speech, he's been waiting forever to say it," I told everyone.

"Damn right I have and you are not ruining this for me, young lady, because it's going to be a while before I can use it again," Dad pointed to where Morgan was.

We all continued with dinner, James feeding me while I fed Emma. When we were all done, everyone helped clean up while I had to get Emma ready for bed and brought Morgan along so that I could also bathe her too.

"Come on, Maguna, we need to get you and Emma ready for bed."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, young lady, now walk on over to your room, your sister will help you tonight," Mom told Morgan.

Morgan looked to me, "Can you sing us the lullaby?"

"Of course, but first we need to get you both cleaned up and in your pj's."

Morgan got up from her chair and took off running to her bedroom, I followed behind her and closes the door behind me.

"Alright, go pick out what pajamas you want to wear," I told Morgan.


I walked over to where Emma's things were and grabbed her towel, onesie, and diaper. I put everything on the changing table and then put Emma in her crib while I went to go fill her tub to bathe her first. Once that was full at the right temperature, I went and undressed her, wrapped her in her towel, and headed to the bathroom. I put her in the tub and sat down on the floor and talked to Emma as I washed.

"Well, Emma, we are about to start quite the adventure together, huh?"

Emma cooed in response.

"Just know that even though your mommy and daddy are no longer here with us does not mean that they are truly gone, they will always be with us in spirit watching and looking out for us but also know that I will make sure you will know them and won't ever let them be forgotten."

I soon finished bathing Emma, got her out, wrapped her in her towel again, then dumped the water out of the tub and went back to the bedroom and got Emma dressed and ready for bed.

"Alright Morgan, it's your turn, so you want the shower or bathtub?"

"Bathtub, please."

"Okay, let me put Emma in her crib and then I will get that going for you."

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