Bucky's POV:
The moment we all heard the door to Hope's room open and close we all got up from where we were sitting, waiting for Dr. Gray, when she came into the living room we all surrounded her waiting to hear about Hope, before anyone asked, Dr. Gray spoke immediately.
"Calm down everyone, Hope is okay, she does have some slight swelling on the frontal lobe part of her brain but that is to be expected with the mild concussion she has, so far she is not experiencing many symptoms, minus the headache and dizziness so she is to take it easy and rest for the next few weeks, which means no getting on horses right now until I have cleared her, and I told her that I want to see her again in a week, also if her symptoms get worse bring her to the hospital," Dr. Gray explained.
"Is she awake?" Pepper asked.
Dr. Gray smiled, "Yes she is, though she is resting so if anyone wants to see her I recommend a few people at a time."
"Thank you, Dr. Gray," Pepper said.
Dr. Gray shook her head, "There is no need to thank me, call me if you need anything else."
With that Dr. Gray took her leave, afterwards, Matt, Caleb, Tyler, and Dylan called it a night and said they would see Hope in the morning. Mrs. Williams had gone into the kitchen a while after we had gotten back with Hope and she came out with a plate of food and a glass of water and handed it to Pepper.
"Here you go Mrs. Stark, I'm sure she will be hungry," Mrs. Williams said to Pepper.
Pepper nodded as she took the plate and glass and headed to Hope's room, while everyone else decided to call it a night, as for me, I couldn't think of going to sleep, at least not yet so I went outside and sat at the porch swing trying to process everything that happened today, wondering what went wrong, I was completely lost in thought that I did not notice Wanda sit next to me.
"Are you okay, Bucky?" Wanda asked.
"Yes, but I'm worried about Hope."
"Do you mean about her trauma with the assault?"
"How did you find out?"
"I've had a hunch for a while and it was confirmed when one of the guys said something tonight, did you see it in her mind when she was still unconscious?"
"Yes, but Bucky, when I was looking in her mind I recognized someone else?"
"Winter Moon."
"Do you think you can look into Winter's mind and find out what happened?"
"Well, I've never tried with an animal, but if I do try I would have to be careful."
"Something tells me that Winter will cooperate with you."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because Midnight and Winter would go to the ends of the earth for Hope, tonight confirmed how dedicated to her they are."
Wanda and I quickly ran over to the barn where Winter and Midnight were in their stalls next to each other resting and eating hay. The moment we both stepped into the barn Wanda froze for a brief moment.
"Oh my."
"What's wrong?" I noticed Wanda's eyes were glowing.
"Nothing, it's just, I don't think I have ever felt such love and devotion to a single person, let alone it coming from two animals."
"What do you mean?"
"Winter and Midnight, I can feel their love for Hope, but also, I can feel their worry for her too."
"Come on, let's see if this works," I guided Wanda over to Winter's stall.
Wanda stood in front of Winter who was also watching Wanda.
Wanda held her hand out for me to take, "Show us what happened, Winter?" Wanda whispered as her eyes glowed, Winter never once looked away.
The next thing I knew I was pulled into darkness, but for a brief moment only.
(Quick A/N: this next part will be through Winter's perspective that Wanda will be seeing, trigger warning now for SA.)
Winter's Memories:
I looked around and saw that I was in the barn, more specifically, in a stall, to my right I saw Midnight in his stall.
"Where am I?"
I then heard Wanda's voice, "Calm down, Bucky, we are seeing Winter's memories."
We watched as we saw Hope running into the barn to an office where she grabbed a medical vet kit and two leads, quickly brought them over to where Winter's stall was, and then ran back out, as she ran by we heard her call out to someone.
"Scott! I have the kit, bring him in here."
Hope ran back into the barn and got the leads tying them up to two posts. Wanda and I watch as Scott comes in leading a horse along, Hope clips the leads to the horse's halter while Scott gets what he needs out to start evaluating the horse.
"Scott, what happened to him?" Hope asked.
"I found him abandoned in this barn, I got a call from a farmer close by to where this guy was, he said that he had seen lights and heard what sounded like horses being moved, in the middle of the night, he came by in the morning and found him," Scott explained.
Hope was assessing the horse when she noticed something, "Scott, look," she was pointing toward the horse's two front legs.
We saw that above the horse's hooves, he was badly injured.
"Soring," Hope said.
"Meaning that this guy is a Tennessee Walking horse," Scott said.
"Yup, have you found a microchip?" Hope asked.
"No, but look here," Scott pointed to a spot on the horse's back, "It seems that he did have one at one point but someone removed it," Scott said.
"So that the horse could not be traced to where it was registered," Hope said and Scott nodded in confirmation.
Wanda and I watch as Hope and Scott work together to treat the horse.
"So, we have an abandoned Tennessee Walking horse that's been sored and has no microchip, we need to look into this, something tells me this is big," Hope said.
"I agree, but I think we need to contact the authorities," Scott said.
"Scott, they're not gonna do anything without enough evidence and you know this, all they will do is write a report and say they will look into it," Hope told Scott.
"Alright, but you need to be careful with this one, got it," Scott told Hope.
"I promise, I will do a little investigating, once I find what we need I will call Mom and Dad to get everything rolling," Hope said.

Bucky's Hope (A Bucky Barnes Love Story)
FanfictionStill being tormented and haunted by the memories of when he was the Winter Soldier. Bucky has tried so many things to help him deal with the trauma of his past but nothing has helped. The Avengers can see how bad the nightmares are affecting Bucky...