Chapter 25

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"Hey," Clint said as he entered the room.

Natasha was the first one up, she ran over and hugged Clint.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Oh, well Laura, the kids, and I were invited to Cap's birthday party tomorrow," Clint said.

"BY WHO?" everyone yelled.

"By us," Pepper said as Hope got up and joined her.

"We figured it wouldn't be a birthday without everyone that you care about here to celebrate with you," Hope told Steve.

She then walked over to Clint holding her hand out, he took it smiling at her.

"My name is Hope and welcome to Ranch Stark and Rescue."

"Nice to meet you, Hope, and how do you know Tony if you don't mind me asking?"

Hope laughed, "unfortunately he is my dad."

"Hey, I take offense to that young lady," Tony said.

"Are you shitting, for real, that man-child over there is your father?" Clint asked.

"He was never a man-child, it was just a front to fool the public, he has always been the greatest father to me and I wouldn't change him for the world, but enough about that, I'm sure you and your family are tired from traveling, go ahead and take a seat and we can get started with dinner then later I will show you all where you will be staying," Hope said.

Clint, Laura, and the kids took their seats at the table as the food was brought in, as everyone settled down conversation flowed, more so from Clint as he asked Hope so many questions while also taking a few digs at Tony for how much he teased Clint when he learned about his family, it made Hope happy to see her dad being so carefree surrounded by friends and family and feeling at peace. After dinner, the kids started to fall asleep in their chairs.

"Well I think they're ready for bed," Clint said.

"Of course, I'll show you where you all will be staying here," Hope said as she got up from the table, Clint, Laura, and the kids followed her.

"Clint, you and your family will be staying in the apartment above the barn, and don't worry, there is more than enough space for everyone as well as everything that will need, also Happy already dropped off your things after he dropped you off at the house, also you don't have to worry about any noise coming from the barn, just tell FRIDAY to turn on the soundproofing to the upper floor," Hope explained.

"Thank you, Hope," Laura said.

"You're welcome, I hope you all enjoy your stay here and if you like me or some of my guys can teach the kids to ride while your are here," Hope offered.

"Oh no, we wouldn't want them to get in the way of work here," Laura said.

Hope smiled, "it's no trouble at all."

"What exactly do you do here?" Clint asked.

"Well besides this being a working ranch I also run a rescue and rehabilitation center if you will, I take in rescue horses, as well as horses that have any behavioral issues, and help them and their owners or even help to rehome horses as well," Hope said.

They got to the barn and Hope showed the family upstairs.

"Here we are if you need anything just ask FRIDAY and she can show you where it may be or will tell me if it's not here, so for now I will let you all rest and see you in the morning," Hope said.

"Thank you again, Hope, and good night," Clint said.

"No worries, I'm glad you all could be here and that I could finally meet you and your family too," Hope said.

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