Chapter 36

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Bucky's POV:

With that, Matt ran to the fence and let out a whistle, a moment later Duke, Matt's horse came running over to him. Matt clipped his lead and got him out leading him to the barn to get him saddled up, Tyler, Dylan, and Caleb were all doing the same thing with their horses, so I did as Matt said and ran to the house.

When I got there I found the girls were all in the kitchen together, and it was Pepper who saw me and notice the look on my face she stopped smiling.

"What's happened?" Pepper asked me but I could not tell her just yet.

"Where's Tony?"

"He's in the office, why, what's happened?" Pepper asked again but I still didn't answer her.

I called out to FRIDAY instead, "FRIDAY, please tell Tony to come to the kitchen and then wherever Sam, Steve, Bruce, and Vision are, tell them to come here as well."

FRIDAY: Of course Sgt. Barnes.

About 10 minutes or so later everyone was in the kitchen, it was Tony that spoke first.

"What's going on Barnes, why did you call us all out here?"

I took a deep breath and spoke at last, "Hope is missing, but, Matt and the guys are already out there looking for her as we speak," I turned to Mrs. Williams, "Matt said for you to call the doctor and have them come here immediately."

Mrs. Williams nodded and grabbed the phone to dial the doctor, who it was I wasn't sure, Tony then spoke again.

"Barnes, what do you mean by Hope is missing, what happened?"

I was watching Mrs. Williams as she was on the phone before I answered Tony, "I don't know, Tony, she was fine one moment and then the next she's having a severe panic attack and then took off Midnight to who knows where."

At my words, I noticed that Mrs. Williams's eyes widened but she kept her voice calm and soft as she talked on the phone, I tried to listen in but couldn't because everyone was trying to talk at the same time so I yelled to get them all to stop.


They all stopped talking and turned to me.

"Matt said that he and the guys will find Hope and for right now we just need to stay here until they get back but to have the doctor here ready for when they do get back.

Pepper looked at Tony, "Tony, I'm worried, I can't stay here while Hope is out there somewhere, what if something happens to her?"

"Pep, he's right, there's nothing we can do, they know this place like the back of their hand so they will find her," Tony tried to reassure Pepper.

"Also Pepper, think of Morgan and Emma, you don't want to frighten them so it would be best for us to stay here with them, I'm sure Hope will be okay," Wanda said.

"Goodness, I completely forgot about them, where are the girls right now?" Pepper asked looking for them.

By now Mrs. Williams was off the phone, "both girls are in Morgan's room napping right now, and Dr. Gray said that she will be there in 20 minutes or so."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Steve asked.

"We wait, that's all we can do," Natasha said.

Mainly everyone was now silent but I noticed that Mrs. Williams had left the kitchen for a moment but then came back with something in her hand, it was an analog radio.

"Here, turn it to station two, that is the channel that we use here when they need to go out to the fields," Mrs. Williams said.

"Don't they have their cellphones?" Sam asked.

"They do but service can be spotty out there, that's why Hope had gotten these," Mrs. Williams explained.

"The kid thinks of everything doesn't she?" Tony said.

"Well she is your daughter after all," Pepper said to Tony.

Tony hugged Pepper, "She will be okay, they will find her and bring her back, plus she has Midnight with her and you know he will keep Hope safe," Tony said trying to reassure Pepper who only nodded and just hugged Tony tighter.

Third Person POV:

Matt, Dylan, Tyler, and Caleb got their horses saddled up and rode out in search of Hope. When they got far from the ranch Matt stopped and turned to the men.

"Alright guys, from here we will split up to cover more ground, does everyone have a radio?" Matt asked.

The guys all raised their radios at the same time to show Matt.

"Alright then, switch to channel two, if anyone sees Hope or Midnight let the rest of us know, now let's go."

Each of them picked a direction and rode out keeping an eye out for Hope and Midnight.

Hope's POV:

I couldn't think, I couldn't feel, I couldn't breathe, I had to get away, to run far. The moment I felt myself free I ran, jumping the fence, and screamed out for Midnight. When he saw me running he ran to me and stopped giving me the chance to jump on his back, Midnight jumped the fence and then we took off, I didn't have a place in mind I just wanted to get far away from everything so I let Midnight run and didn't try to guide him.

After what felt like hours Midnight slowed from a gallop to a walk, I used that time to let go of everything that I was feeling or thinking, once that was done the tears started to fall, I stopped Midnight from walking and jumped off, as I took in my surroundings at that moment I let out a gut wrecking scream and dropped to the ground curling into myself as I cried.

The moment that James kissed me I was so happy, truly happy for the first time since the incident happened, and for a second I thought that everything was going to be okay, that I was, at last, going to have my chance at real and true happiness, but then the stupid flashbacks happened and I found myself back in that room again, tied up, scared and praying that they did not come back. And then I took it all out on James, who only tried to help me but I only ended up hurting him, no I couldn't do this to him.

James needs someone that is not broken like me, he needs someone better, someone, that can one day give him a family, because I will never be able to do that, ever, and that is my burden to bear, no one else's. It was then that I concluded that I would not be the one to tie James down and rob him of having the life that he deserves with someone else.

By now it was starting to get dark, I knew I had to get back before it got too late, I took a deep breath and walked over to Midnight, and got back on him.

"Thank you, Midnight, but now we need to go back home and face whatever comes our way."

Midnight let out s whinny as he softly stopped his foot on the ground.

"Come on boy, take us home."

We walked for a while, though I was not sure how long we were walking for and it was already nighttime.


I looked around and there was no site of a ranch, farm, or a small town out for miles.

"Midnight, where are we?"

By now I stopped Midnight from walking and tried to listen for any sound that might indicate people were nearby, but instead, I heard rattling sounds close to us, I tried to stay calm so as not to alarm Midnight but it was too late. Midnight was startled by the sound and began to panic trying to find where the snake could be hiding.

"Midnight, easy boy, easy, you need to calm down."

I tried to soothe Midnight but it was not working, he began to slightly rear up several times and I tried to hold on tight but it wasn't enough, the next thing I knew, Midnight let out a terrifying neigh and reared up high causing me to lose my grip on his main and fell, I felt a hit to my head and then everything went dark.

A/N: Think she's going to be found in time, also what are your thoughts on what Hope was thinking? In the meantime, enjoy everyone.

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