Chapter 23

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*Trigger warning, mention of SA*

After dinner that night Hope and the guys headed out to bring the horses in for the night as well as to give Miracle her next feeding, Hope was just putting Winter in her stall when Matt came over with Midnight.

"Thanks, Matt," Hope said.

"You're welcome, are you going to be okay tonight?" Matt asked.

"What do you mean?" Hope asked.

"Hope, don't play dumb, that's not you and you know that," Matt said sternly.

Hope said, "I don't know but I doubt I will be getting much sleep tonight either way so I don't think I will have to worry about nightmares tonight."

"Maybe not tonight, but Hope, with what you saw today it's not going to help, you need to consider talking to someone about what happened because I know this is going to make your nightmares worse," Matt said.

"And tell them what, tell them how Winter and I were abducted a year and a half ago, oh and not only that, that I was raped and beaten repeatedly an inch from my life and was put in a coma for 2 months where no one knew if I was going to wake up or not, Matt, not even my parents know about this yet," Hope somehow managed not to scream all of this out as only a few people knew about this and Hope had sworn them all to secrecy.

"Exactly, and for a year now you've had horrible nightmares that only keep getting worse, Hope, you know this is not healthy, you have helped so many people and horses, why don't you want to get help for yourself now?" Matt asked her.

At this Hope burst into tears, Matt slowly pulled her into a hug.

"Because if I talk about it I have to relive everything again and I don't want that, it's too painful, I can't," Hope said between sobs.

At that moment Dylan, Tyler, and Caleb all entered the barn seeing Hope crying and Matt consoling her.

"Please Hope, if not for yourself, then do it for us, we're all worried about you," Matt said.

Hope looked up and saw the guys there, they came over and wrapped her in a group hug.

"Alright, your right, I will look into finding a therapist, just please don't say anything to my parents," Hope pleaded.

"We won't say anything but you need to tell them, Hope, they have a right to know," Matt told her.

"I'll think about it, for now, it's best you all head home for the night," Hope said and walked off to the back of the barn to give Miracle her bottle.

"You think she will do it?" Dylan asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine you know how stubborn she is," Caleb said.

"Well if I don't see a change in her in the next month or so then I will tell her parents," Matt told them.

"You would do that?" Tyler asked.

"For her state of mind, I would," Matt said.

They all said goodnight and headed home for the night.

That night as Hope predicted, sleep did not come by for her, she had spent the majority of the night awake feeding Miracle, and the few times that she did fall asleep she was plagued by nightmares that would startle her awake, she did all she could to not scream out like she would most nights in her room since she always had FRIDAY soundproof her room before she went to sleep the entire time that her family and the Avengers have been here at the ranch. So the guys were not surprised to find Hope asleep in Miracle's stall, Matt was the one that went to wake her up.

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