Chapter 41

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(Quick A/N: this next part will be through Winter's perspective that Wanda and Bucky will be seeing and trigger warning now for SA.)

Bucky and Wanda's POV:

Winter and Hope kept hidden, but by now it was completely dark out, I was not sure how much more time had passed now when we heard a commotion. I saw Hope take a peek and we saw the main barn door open and one of the men walk out heading to the truck, he got in and started it then maneuvered it to back the trailer up to the barn's entrance with ease meaning that the tires were not too flat yet that it was still driveable for now.

We kept watch still as the guy got out and headed back inside.

"Shit, it's still not flat enough," I heard Hope mumble to herself.

Hope poked her head and looked around, my guess was she was going to try and add a couple more holes to the tires, she then quickly and quietly ran out of her hiding spot making a run to the back of the barn to stay out of sight and she barely got to it in time when the main barn doors opened and the three men stepped out and began to load the horses one by one.

From where Winter was Wanda and I could see Hope behind the barn watching, we weren't sure how many horses had already been loaded in when one of men the called out to the other to get their attention, they stopped what they were doing and came over to where the first guy was.

We watched and from what we could tell they had finally noticed the tries. I could tell that they were talking for a moment and but then all three began to walk in different directions and started to look around, they must have figured that whoever did that must still be nearby.

Wanda and I suddenly felt agitated, we looked at each other and realized it was coming from Winter though we were not sure if was from the memory or what she was feeling currently in real-time.

"What's going on?" I asked Wanda.

"I'm not sure, I can't tell if it's what she was feeling when this happened or if it's what she's feeling right now, but I don't like it, I think I'm gonna have to pull us out," Wanda said.

But before Wanda could do anything I saw her eyes glow again for a moment and then return to normal.

"What happened?"

"Winter was reassuring me, she wants us to keep watching."

"Are you sure?"

Wanda nodded in confirmation, "Yes, she doesn't want us to stop."

I then looked back and saw that the men disappeared and when I looked for Hope, she was no longer behind the barn, but before I could ask Wanda the memory changed once more, I looked at our surroundings.

"Where are we now?" Wanda asked.

I took in our surroundings and realized that we were inside a barn this time and in a stall but I didn't recognize it as the Stark Ranch barn, we then heard a scream and I could feel my blood run cold as I recognized the voice.

"No, no, please I didn't do anything, please let me go," Hope pleaded.

"I don't think so, what were you doing here?" a man's voice ask.

"Nothing, I was out on a horseback ride and got lost," Hope tried to persuade the man.

"Huh, unlikely story, now tell me who the hell you are and what are you doing here?" asked another man.

"No, no, no, don't touch me," Hope screamed making the men laugh.

We then saw that Winter started to pace in the stall.

"Well then, if you're not going to tell us of your volition then I guess we're gonna have to make you," a third voice said.

Wanda and I then heard the sound of someone getting beaten and Hope pleading for them to stop.

"No, no, no, NO! STOP, STOP, NO, DON'T TOUCH ME!!!"

Then all we could hear was Hope screaming

"Oh, well will you look at that boys, she's a virgin."

"Ha, not anymore after we're done with her."

Hope still screamed for them to stop.

"Fiesty, this one."

"The good ones are the ones that still try to put up a fight."

"Shut up already bitch and take it all, your gonna take us all one at a time and then all together, how does that sound."

We weren't sure for how long Hope screamed when the memory changed again, from what could I tell, we were still in the barn but it was too quiet and it appeared to be daytime though who knows how much time had passed. The silence was then broken by Winter who was pacing more in the stall and was starting to kick at the stall door, she kept going until she gave a good kick and the door broke off.

Winter got out of the stall and began to sniff around as she moved around the barn searching for Hope. We watched what Winter was seeing and then spotted a small foot on the ground sticking out of the stall in the back of the barn.

Winter rushed over and Wanda and I were horrified at what we saw, the state Hope was in, she was beaten, bruised, and bloody from head to toe, her clothes torn to shreds leaving her completely naked. We saw Winter nudge Hope but she didn't move at first, she nudged her again, and this time Hope let out a pained moan but still didn't move.

Winter then carefully got into the stall with Hope and laid down next to her, keeping her head next to Hope's. The memory changed again, I again could not tell how much time had passed again but I could tell that Hope was in danger, she was beginning to have trouble breathing as it became more and more labored, and she needed to be found soon.

The memory changed once more, it now looked like it was dark out again, the silence around us was only broken by Hope's shallow breaths until we heard voices, we couldn't make them out at first until they got closer.


I then recognized the voices and Winter must have too because she started to neigh loudly. We then heard the barn door open and lights flash around.



At the sound of her name, Winter neighed again.

"Guys, over here."

We heard the footsteps get closer and then gasps.

"Quick, bring the blanket to cover her up while I call 911."

Wanda and I watched as Matt was on the phone with 911, and a blanket was brought to cover up Hope. A little while later we heard the sounds of a helicopter getting closer and closer until we heard it land, and then paramedics came in and started to work on Hope.

"Dispatch, let the hospital know that we are coming in with a 19-year-old female, suffering from blunt-force trauma all over her body, with signs of rape," the paramedic said into her radio.

"Copy that Med One, Stormont Veil had been notified and is getting prepped and ready for you, what is ETA?"

"ETA 20 minutes."

"Copy that Med One.

"Alright, let's get her moving and loaded into the helicopter," the paramedic then looked at the guys, "who is riding with her?"

"I will," Matt called out, he then turned to the others, "Go and get Winter back home then call Kaitlyn for sure and try and get a hold of Mr and Mrs Stark."

The guys nodded in agreement and waited until the helicopter took off, then they got Winter out of the barn and tied to a lead, and headed back to the ranch.

A/N: Alright, sorry for the dark chapter, I will admit that I had to stop several times as I wrote this chapter.

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