Still being tormented and haunted by the memories of when he was the Winter Soldier. Bucky has tried so many things to help him deal with the trauma of his past but nothing has helped.
The Avengers can see how bad the nightmares are affecting Bucky...
It was the week before the show-jumping competition that is to take place soon, luckily for me, it was to take place in town which I was glad about because I always hate traveling long just because it will sometimes agitate Midnight. My coach and I decided to take this week and rest, Midnight and I have been training like crazy to be ready, this last competition is the next step to see if we are ready to enter the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup to qualify for the next summer Olympic games. My coach had sent a video of me competing to the head coach of the USA Equestrian team and found that he is interested in me joining but I have to get through the jumping world cup first and that was not until the following year.
But for now, we are taking it easy and I decided the Midnight and I needed a little fun and the best way was with liberty work, when we do this it's so freeing for us both and our bond grows even bigger, I even got Winter to do liberty with Midnight together, seeing them both together is like watching a couple dance together.
When I entered the back pasture both Winter and Midnight saw me and took notice of the liberty stick in my hand, I did not even have to call them because came running to me making me laugh.
"Oh, does the married couple want to dance?" I asked them, and they both bobbed their heads up and down.
I led them out and we walked over to the training pen that's at the front of the property, I opened the gate to the pen and let Winter and Midnight in, and closed it behind me, when I turned to the horses they were both waiting for me in the center of the pen, I walked over to them and bowed, and they bowed back.
"Okay, let's do this."
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Bucky's POV:
I was walking out of the barn after we finished for the day on the construction to the indoor training pen when I saw Hope was upfront with her two horses and noticed that they were all running around in the pen together, as I was wondering what they were doing when Matt walked out and smiled when he saw Hope out there.
"Ah, it's been a while since we have seen her do that," he said.
"What exactly is she doing?" I asked him.
"It's called liberty training," he told me.
"What is that?" I asked again.
"It's a type of training that gives a horse a sense of freedom and safety without the use of tack, see how Winter and Midnight don't even have their halters on," I simply nodded as I watched the three of them move around so gracefully.
Matt walked away as I made my way over to the pen to watch, I was so entranced by them that I did not notice when everyone made their way over to us one by one.
"What is she doing?" I heard Sam ask, but before anyone could say something he was shushed by Morgan.
"Shh, sissy is dancing with Winter and Midnight," she said, we all remained quiet and just watched them move around.
Third Person POV:
Hope moved and Winter and Midnight followed right behind her, she then stopped and mounted Midnight bareback and got him moving into a canter, she didn't hold on to his mane and instead had her body move along to Midnight's fluid movement, and Winter was right behind them. She then stopped Midnight, Winter stopping right next to him but a few feet away from each other, she then got Midnight to spin and motioned for Winter to do the same, they spun three times and then stopped when Hope called out, making sure they were a good distance away she gave another command.
"Up, up," she held with one hand to Midnight's mane as he and Winter reared up to their hind legs and then drop down, then she whistled and Winter walked over and she switched to riding Winter this time. They made a run around the pen and then walked back to the center where Hope got off and she motioned for Winter and Midnight to take off, with the stick in her hand she guided them to run around her, the horses moved, weaving past each other.
Hope slightly jogged, getting closer to the horses making them slow down until they came to slow walk on either side of her and then stopped, with the stick, she tapped Midnight's front legs, and he laid down, she then motioned for him to roll over, Midnight rolled onto his back staying that position, and Hope came over and laid across his chest, Midnight never moved until Hope got up and motioned for him to get up as well. She then took off again, Winter and Midnight coming up beside her, as they moved she tapped Midnight's front legs again getting him to do a small hop, she then did the same to Winter and she also did a small hop. As she still moved she turned to face them and then halted making the horses stop too, she then lifted her arms, and Winter and Midnight both reared up together, they came back down and Hope raised her arms once more and they reared up again.
Hope then turned to face where everyone was watching her and walked closer, Winter and Midnight behind, she stopped in front of them and bowed with Winter and Midnight bowing as well, and everyone clapped and cheered, Hope, beamed with happiness, Winter and Midnight came up, standing by her sides and nudged her with their heads, she laughed but gave them the attention they were asking for.
"You two are the best dance partners, always in sync together," Hope said.