Still being tormented and haunted by the memories of when he was the Winter Soldier. Bucky has tried so many things to help him deal with the trauma of his past but nothing has helped.
The Avengers can see how bad the nightmares are affecting Bucky...
It was the morning of the show jumping competition in town today and I was both nervous and excited, though I think Morgan was more excited than me I think that was because she very rarely saw me compete and when she did was always fascinated by it.
I was the first one up as usual so I dressed and headed to the barn to get a start on the morning chores as well, it was an hour later when all the guys showed up and Matt was, of course, the first one who saw me in the barn.
"Okay, what are you doing, shouldn't you be getting yourself and Midnight ready for this afternoon?" Matt asked.
"First gotta get all the morning chores done," I simply said as I continued to muck out the stall I was working on.
I paid Matt no attention and kept going.
I looked up at Matt and gave him a look.
"I know you are nervous, but you have nothing to be nervous about, you will do amazing and we will all be cheering you on, now give me that shovel, get out of the stall and get your butt inside and get ready, I will bring Midnight over so that you can get him ready once you are done," Matt gave me a stern look.
I didn't move at first.
"Don't make me call your mom out here," he added.
"Wow, that is just dirty of you Matt," I said as I gave him the shovel and got out of the stall.
He chuckled, "just get inside and start getting ready, we will take care of everything else in the meantime."
I headed back to the house and found mom, Natasha, and Wanda in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Oh look, that didn't take long for you to get banished from the barn," mom said, I glared at her.
"Stop with the glaring and get your ass in the shower," she said.
"Fine, I'm going already," I said and headed to my room and jumped into the shower, and tried to wash away the stress and nerves.
Once I was done quickly dried off and got my clothes. I decided on my white riding pants, a white short-sleeved shirt, a navy blue riding jacket, and my black riding boots. I got dressed, did my hair, and just did a light makeup look, then grabbed my jacket and joined everyone in the kitchen for breakfast.
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"There's my superstar, your gonna knock this out of the park like always," Dad said when he saw me come in.
"It's not set in stone yet, dad."
"Don't believe her, she's being humble, this girl has won every single jumping competition since she first got on a horse," Dad said and I could hear the pride in his voice.