Chapter 45

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Bucky's POV:

After talking to Matt I left the barn to go find Wanda, when I stepped out of the barn I saw a car making its way to the house, at that moment, Hope came out of the house as a woman stepped out of the car. I watched as Hope talked to the woman for a moment and then they both headed inside.

At first, I wasn't sure if to follow after them mostly because I wanted to respect Hope's privacy but my curiosity was getting the best of me so about five minutes later I walked into the kitchen but only saw Pepper with Emma, Nat, and Mrs. Williams.

Before I spoke I saw Wanda coming down the hallway toward the kitchen too so I waited for her.

"What's going on, Bucky?" Pepper asked when she noticed I was still standing there.

"Oh, I was just wondering who that was that came inside with Hope?"

"That was her therapist, Hope told us that she had called her this morning asking her for an emergency therapy session," Pepper explained.

Hearing that made me feel better.

"Did you need her for something?" Pepper asked.

"Um no, I was just wanting to check how she was doing this morning?"

"Well from when I saw her this morning and just a bit ago she is doing better."

"Did she tell you about what happened last night?"

"No, but I'm sure that's what she is talking about with her therapist right now."

"Right, well I guess I'll go see what I can help with around the ranch," I then left.

"Right, well I guess I'll go see what I can help with around the ranch," I then left

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The girls watched as Bucky left.

"Do you think those two have admitted their feelings for each other yet?" Pepper asked.

Wanda looked at Pepper unsure if she should tell her that Hope and Bucky have done that, but decides to keep it to herself, Wanda figured that Hope would tell Pepper herself soon whenever she was ready.

Wanda looked at Pepper unsure if she should tell her that Hope and Bucky have done that, but decides to keep it to herself, Wanda figured that Hope would tell Pepper herself soon whenever she was ready

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Hope's POV:

After our session was done I walked Dr. Price to her car after confirming our next appointment.

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