Chapter 72

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Hope's POV:

"Wow, I can't believe it's almost Christmas."

I was outside watching as the guys were putting up lights all over the place, the house, barn, training pens, and even the stalls were wrapped around with Christmas lights.

Soon I was starting to get cold so I headed back inside where the girls were decorating.

"How's it looking out there?" Mom asked

"Amazing, it's going to be beautiful at night, so, what is left to get done in here?"

"The last thing we have is to decorate the Christmas tree, which I know is your favorite so we put it off to be the last thing so you could join in," Mom said.

"Oh, then I guess I came back inside at the perfect moment."

"Yes, your Dad already brought the tree out along with all the decorations and lights, he also put the tree up for us, so all we have to do is decorate it."

"Yay," I looked around and saw that Emma and Morgan were not in the living room as well, "where are the girls?"

"Napping, they were both tried after we were done with everything else," Mom explained.

"Ah, yeah that will do it."

Mom, the girls, and I began to work on getting the tree decorated, and little by little it was coming along until the last thing to do was to put the tree topper up.

"I can do it," Wanda offered.

I could see the swirl of magic around her hand, I held my hand out, "Go for it," I told her.

I was amazed watching the tree topper float out of my hands and up to the top of the tree.

"Wanda, your powers will never cease to amaze me."

Wanda laughs, "It does have its uses."

I then looked out the window and saw that it was dark out, but also all the guys were outside as well.

"Oh, I think the guys are done with putting the lights up, shall we go see."

"YES!" All the girls agreed at the same time.

We all grabbed our coats, putting them on as we headed out the door.

I walked over to where James was standing with Steve, he opened his arms for me when he saw me walking over to him and pulled me close to him.

"What do you think?" James asked

I looked at the house and then the barns and surrounding fence and round pens, everything was wrapped in lights.

"Beautiful and romantic."

James chuckled, "Glad you approve, are you girls done inside?"

"Yes, it looks like Christmas threw up inside." James and I both laughed.

"Have you finished your Christmas shopping?"

"Just about, what about you?"

"Same, say I've noticed you and Morgan disappearing off for a while, what are you two doing?" James asked.

"Now that is a surprise."

James chuckled, "Alright, have it your way."

We stood outside for a while in comfortable silence until James spoke.

"What are you thinking about?"

"The future, just wondering what is in store for us."

Bucky's Hope (A Bucky Barnes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now