Chapter 32

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Hope's POV:

The next morning after the morning chores were done I went and brought Faith to the pen by the barn, then went back and got Miracle. I had been working with her to get her used to wearing a halter as well being led by a lead and she took to it pretty well. When I came out of the barn with Miracle, I found that everyone was out there standing by the pen.

"What's going?"

"Nothing sweetie, we all just want to see if Faith will accept Miracle," Mom said to me.

"Damn, no pressure guys."

James then walked over to me, "hey, it's okay, just remember last night, we both know that this is going to work."

I smiled and nodded at James and headed to the pen, I had Matt stay with Faith just to make sure that both her and Miracle stayed safe the entire time. The moment that Miracle and I stepped into the pen, Miracle pulled against the lead trying to get to Faith while she also pulled against Matt.

"Keep her there Matt, I will bring Miracle to her."

"Got it."

I then whispered to Miracle, "alright girl, I know your curious and excited to her to Faith but I need you to be on your best behavior, can you do that for me?"

Miracle was silent and still and I took that as an answer.

"Alright, let's go meet Faith," I clicked my tongue and started to lead her over to Faith and Matt.

Once we got closer I stopped a safe distance but close enough to allow them smell each other.

"Okay Matt, loosen your hold on her lead a little and let her make the next move," I instructed Matt.

He did as I say and we waiting for Faith to make her move and it didn't take long, I had already seen her take notice of Miracle the moment we stepped out of the barn. I watched her look at Miracle, her ears perking up towards her. Everything was quiet for a moment that you could hear a pin drop, I held my breath as we waited, at that moment Faith took a few steps towards Miracle, who also took a small step towards Faith, I then nodded to Matt and we each slowly walked each horse towards each other but not too fast so as not to spook either of them.

We then stopped once they were face to face, and Faith bent her head down and started to nuzzel Miracle who let out a little whinney making Matt and I chuckle, I then unclipped Miracle's lead and Matt unclipped Faith's. We then walked over to the fench where everyone was and watched as Miracle started to nurse from Faith, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they started their bonding process.

"You did it Hope," Wanda said excitely.

"No, that wasn't me, it was all them, they knew they needed each other, Faith has a purpose again and Miracle has a mother now."

"True, but you brought them together, they never would have found each other had it not been for you, you gave them their second chance," James said.

"He's right honey, don't sell yourself short, look at all the good you have done," Mom said.

I said nothing and instead just turned my attention back to Faith and Miracle, I grinned as Miracle whinnied and moved around Faith, at one point she moved to the other side of pen causing Faith to whinny at her, Miracle immedately trotted back to Faith's side, everyone laughed.

"She's already starting to mother her, huh," Nat said.

"Yup, and she's listening to her," I then turned to Matt, "let's move them over to the grazing pasture with the rest of the horses," Matt nodded, he went and got Faith while I got Miracle clipped to her lead, then we led them to the back pasture.

Once they were both unclipped from their leads, Faith took off with Miracle right behind her and stayed by her side.

"Will Miracle be okay with the rest of the horses?" James asked.

"Yes, Faith will keep her safe plus it's good for her to start socailizing with the other horses too," I told him and then smiled as one by one, each of the horses here at the ranch came over to Faith and Mircale, giving them a sniff and then walked off.

"See, what I tell you."

James chuckled, "I guess your right."

"You guess?"

"Fine, you were right all along."

"That's what I thought, now come on, there more stuff to do around here," I nudged James and we left the horses be.


It was mid-morning as a car pulled up to the ranch, Hope stepped out and walked over as Kaitlyn got out of the car and went to get Emma out.

"So, are you excited for your romantic getaway this week?" Hope asked.

"Most definietly, this mama is ready for a break, and thanks again for doing this," Kaitlyn said.

"You know you don't have to thank me, I'm am always happy for some Emma and me time, which reminds me, we have an auction to get to this afternoon to find Emma her very own pony," Hope said excited.

"I still can't believe your really doing this," Kaitlyn said sounding defeated.

"Oh yes, and you can't change my mind but I will send you lots of pictures," Hope told her.

"Your spoiling her, you know that right," Kaitlyn said sternly.

"And that is my job as her godmother and I am all too happy to do this, now you two better get going so you can get there in time," Hope said.

"Alright, mommy and daddy love you, Emma, and we will see you in a week," Kaitlyn kissed Emma goodbye and hugged Hope as well.

"Bye you two, have fun, but not too much fun, you don't want to give Emma a sibling too soon," Hope called out making Kaitlyn and Daniel laugh as they started to leave.

"Don't jinx us, Hope," Kaitlyn yelled out of the car.

Hope laughed and waved them off, once the car disappeared she looked at Emma.

"Now it's just you and me, let's go find you a pony," Hope squealed with excitment making Emma giggle.

She headed to the house and got a diaper bag ready for Emma, as she was heading for the door again she was stopped by James.

"Where are you two headed off to?"

"We are off to a horse auction to find this little angel her very first pony."

"Mind if I tag along?"

"Nope, let's go."

Bucky took the diaper bag from Hope as they walked to her truck with the trailer already hitched to it, once Hope got Emma buckled into the car seat, she and Bucky got buckled in as well and then headed out.

"So, do you already know what pony you are going to get for Emma?"

"Nope, the choice will be between Emma and which ever pony chooses her."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am."

"Don't you think Emma is too young to know how to pick a pony herself."


"Why not?"

"Because it's just like love at first sight, Emma will have an ever lasting bond with that pony, and who knows, we might even find you your own horse while we are there."

"I doubt that."

"I wouldn't say that."

"How about we focus on Emma first."

Hope laughed, "don't say I didn't warn you."

A/N: Alright everyone, fair warning, heartbreaking drama is about to happen soon, be ready with the tissues, I know I will have a box nearby when I write those chapters, enjoy this new one in the meantime.

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