Chapter 21

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Scott checked over the foal, taking several blood samples to run to make sure the foal did not have any infections, he also gave her the basic vaccines that she would need as a newborn, after that, Scott and Hope came up with a schedule for her feeding times throughout the day and night.

"It is a miracle that she survived that long before we found her," Scott said.

Hope looked at Scott and smiled, "That's it, that's her name, Miracle."

"You are right, it does suit her, well overall she is healthy, again by some miracle, just keep up with her feedings, I will take the samples to have them run and I will call you and let you know of the results," Scott told Hope.

"Thanks, Scott, I'll wait for your call," Hope said as she walked him back to his truck.

"Thanks, Scott, I'll wait for your call," Hope said as she walked him back to his truck

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Hope's POV:

Since I still had some time before Miracle's next feeding I decided to head back to the house to show everyone the kitten and puppy as well as to give them their baths too.

"Hello?" I called out went I entered the house.

"In the kitchen sweetheart," Mom called out to me.

"Is everyone here?" I asked.

"Yup, they had to escape from the heat outside," Mom said, which made me laugh.

"Well, I have a surprise to show everyone."

"Do you mean the foal that you brought earlier?"

"Um, nope, more like this actually," I walked into the kitchen and both Mom and Mrs. Williams gasped when they saw the kitten and puppy.

"Oh my word, they're precious," Mrs. Williams said.

"So cute, where did they come from?" Mom asked.

"From the same rescue as the foal did, Scott found them and brought them with him, I told him that if he found any other animals to bring them here, and well now we have these two, the kitten is female and the puppy is male," I explained to Mom and Mrs. Williams.

By now, everyone heard us in the kitchen when they came but before anyone could say something we heard an excited squeal coming from Morgan when she saw the kitten and puppy in my arms and ran over to me wanting to see them.

"Can I hold them, please," Morgan begged.

"Hold on there, sweet pea, they both need a bath first, why don't you go with Mom to the store to get everything these two will."

"Yes, can I please go with you Mommy," Morgan pleaded.

"Of course you can, I'm gonna need help looking for all the cute stuff," Mom told Morgan.

"Have one of the guys go with you to help you," I told Mom.

"Actually, can Wanda and I come with you, Pep?" Natasha asked, mom of course said yes so she, Morgan, Nat, and Wanda left for the store.

"Are you keeping both of them," Sam asked as I headed to one of the linen closets to get some towels.

"Of course, haven't had a dog or cat in this house for a long time."

"How's the foal doing and have you picked out a name yet?" Dad asked me.

"Good, she easily took the bottle, thank God for that, and Scott checked her over, and is overall healthy now just has to keep up with her feedings until it's time to wean her, and her name is Miracle, it suited her because it was truly a miracle that she survived what she did."

"What exactly happened on that rescue, honey?" Dad asked me.

I was quiet for a moment not wanting to say what I had seen, I already knew this was going to make my nightmares worse now.

"Um, can we talk about it later, I need to give the puppy and kitten a bath," without another word and I headed for my room.

I bathed the puppy and kitten making sure to rid them of any fleas that I found, after the bath I got them dried and I lightly laughed seeing the state the kitten was in with how fluffed her fur was, she even gave me this unamused look.

"I'm sorry, but you should see yourself right now," I told her, "now let's get you two a blanket to warm you up cause I can see you both shivering," I got up and grabbed a throw blanket from my closet then grabbed the kitten and puppy and headed for the living room where all the guys were watching tv.

"Oh, I see you are all hiding from the heat outside," I smirked at the boys.

"Why did no one warn us how hot it gets here?" Sam whined.

"Where's the fun in that," Sam glared at me, "didn't you do two tours in Afghanistan where they also have deserts?" I asked him sarcastically making the rest of the guys laugh.

"She's got you there," Bucky said.

I sat down next to him and placed the puppy and kitten on my lap on top of the blanket letting them get comfortable, out of the corner of my eye I saw James smile softly as he watched them start falling asleep.

"Have you thought of any names for them yet?" James asked.

"I was thinking Alpine for the kitten, what do you think?" I asked him.

James reached over and lightly scratched the kitten's head making her pur, "I think that suits her well, what about the puppy?"

"Not sure yet, I think I'm gonna wait for Morgan to get back and see what she comes up, it could be interesting."

It was about an hour later that Mom and the girls finally came home.

"About time you all got back, did you buy the whole store?" I asked them.

"With the amount of stuff that Morgan picked, we might as well have," Mom said.

"Of course she did, she's dad's mini-me when it comes to shopping," I turned to Morgan, "so what did you find?" I asked her.

"Lots of stuff, look," Morgan pointed to all the bags they had brought in and I saw that mom was no kidding, there were several dog and cat beds, lots of toys for both, food and water dishes, basically everything they would need and wouldn't need.

Morgan came over and cuddled up next to me on the couch.

"Do they have names?" Morgan asked.

"The kitten's name is Alpine but the puppy doesn't have one yet, I was waiting for you to help me pick one out, do you have any ideas?"

"What about Auggie?" Morgan said.

"Hm," I thought for a moment as I looked at the puppy, "Auggie," at that the puppy perked up looking at me and Morgan, I smiled at Morgan, "I think he likes it."

"Yay, welcome home Auggie and Alpine," Morgan said making us all laugh.

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