Chapter 62

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Hope's POV:

The mood was somber today, but then again it always is when you have to attend a funeral, but not just any funeral, your best friend, your sister, and her husband, that is who I am burying today. To be honest, I have not had to attend a funeral since my grandparents, and I am not sure how I will handle it today but I take in comfort knowing that everyone who cares about me will be with me the entire time.

After I showered I was in my closet looking for what to wear, I decided on a black tank peplum blouse paired with black slacks and opened-toed heels.

After I showered I was in my closet looking for what to wear, I decided on a black tank peplum blouse paired with black slacks and opened-toed heels

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Once I finished getting dressed I did my make-up, mainly keeping it light. When I was done and ready I grabbed my purse, sunglasses, and phone and left my room, I found everyone was ready and waiting for me. I walked over to Jamie who was holding Emma, he held me against him as he kissed my forehead.

"Are you ready?" Jamie whispered to me.

"I will never be ready to say goodbye to her, to both of them."

"I know, come on, we need to get going."

I nodded in agreement and we all headed out toward the trucks and to the funeral home where we were holding Katie and Daniel's funerals. As Jamie was driving I was looking out the window and noticed that even the weather seemed to match my mood, it was dark and cloudy, and you could smell the rain in the air.

We arrived at the funeral home, it took me a moment to get out but I did, and then I went and got Emma out of her car seat and we all headed inside when everyone arrived and seated I nodded to the pastor for him to continue.

He got up and started on his sermon, but I couldn't concentrate on his words, my eyes were on Katie and Daniel's caskets seeing them lying there cold and lifeless and knowing that this was my final goodbye to them, tears were filling my eyes until they escaped, cascading down my cheeks.

It wasn't until I felt Jamie squeeze my hand I noticed that everyone had turned to me, the pastor had called me to go up and say a few words, I handed Emma to Jamie got up from my seat, and walked over to the podium. My eyes were on the caskets the entire time, I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and then looked to everyone else.

"What can I say about Kaitlyn and Daniel that we all don't already know, we were family to each other in so many ways. Kaitlyn was my soul sister and Daniel was the big brother I never had, they were both there for me in different ways and I was there for them too. Daniel came to me when he wanted to propose to Kaitlyn, he asked me for both my blessing for her hand and help to pick out her engagement ring because sadly Kaitlyn had lost her parents years ago and he knew that she and I were sisters, and we were attached at the hip.

Afterward, we worked together to come up with a plan for him to propose, and let me tell you that ended in a complete fail but in the end, Kaitlyn said yes and that was all that mattered. She told me later on that even though the proposal ended in disaster it would always be memorable to her always. As for Kaitlyn, she and I had this bond that ran deep, we called each other soul sisters, and we shared many things together, and confided in each other.

I was there when Kaitlyn found out she was pregnant with Emma, she came to the ranch and told me how she had been feeling off for several weeks, I had asked if it was possible that she might be pregnant but she was unsure so I went and got her a pregnancy test. We were both in my room sitting on the bed waiting to check the test, while we waited I could tell that she was nervous about the results but I told her that no matter what Daniel would be just as equally excited and terrified because he would be a first-time parent too and they would going through an incredible journey and I, of course, would there too spoiling my God-child.

When we saw the positive I couldn't have been happier to see my best friends start the next milestone of their lives together, starting a family. I also helped Kaitlyn plan a way to tell Daniel the news and that at least went better, Daniel was beyond excited when he found out that they were expecting. Once Kaitlyn was far along I was tasked with their gender reveal and that was one of the few times that I had gone all out it was a beautiful day when they learned that their little bundle of joy was going to be a girl.

And then finally, the day Emma was born, was an unforgettable day for everyone, and I was also there for that moment, Kaitlyn had asked me to be there with her along with Daniel in the delivery room, they became complete the moment they held Emma in their arms and I couldn't be happier for them. This is why this is just as equally devasting that we are here now to say goodbye to them."

I then stopped for a moment and turned to the caskets, speaking to Kaitlyn and Daniel this time.

"Katie, and Danny, I just want to tell you both that we will miss you like crazy, but we will never forget you. Here and now I promise you that Emma will grow up knowing everything about you and how much you love her. I will miss you so much but I know that we will see each other one day."

I stepped down from the podium and walked to where Jamie and Emma were, I sat down and Jamie hugged me. When the service was done the caskets were closed and the pallbearers came to take them to the hearses so that we could head to the cemetery. We all got up from our seats and walked behind to get to the cars to follow along. By the time we arrived at the cemetery rain began to come down, Jamie held the umbrella over us as we walked to where Kaitlyn and Daniel would be laid to rest. Before their caskets were lowered down, I stepped out from under the umbrella not caring if I got soaked, I held two white roses in my hands, and I laid one rose on top of each casket.

"I love you, both of you, and I will miss you each and every day but I will keep going forward, so until we meet again I just want to say thank you for coming into my life when you did, in your own way you made it better."

I walked back to Jamie and Emma, and one by one, everyone else laid a white rose on each casket as well. When we finished the cemetery workers began to lower the caskets, by then everyone else had left back, I had told Jamie to go on back to the ranch with Emma, I assured him that I would be okay and just wanted to stay here until everything was finished.

I was standing in the rain getting wet but not really caring at the moment. I hadn't realized that I was not alone until an umbrella was held over me.

"How are you holding up?"

"As best as I can Dad."

"I'm here for you, okay, we all are."

I rested my head against Dad's shoulder, "I know, and thank you."

Dad kissed my forehead, "You have no reason to thank me, sweetheart, I will always be here for you, no matter what."

We stood there together until the burial was complete then we walked to Dad's car and headed back to the ranch.

A/N: Yup, I was tearing up writing this chapter, that's why I kept putting it off for so long. God, I broke my own heart too, I also want to take this moment and thank everyone who has been reading this story. I can't believe that this story already has over 16K reads, so I am honored that you have been enjoying it. And don't worry, we are not yet close to the end.

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