Author's Notice

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Hello everyone,

It is a pure fictional story. All the characters, places and names are fictional.

I know that colleges don't work this way, it's basically high school in the story but i have used the word college because of a sole reason that is the characters' age. I wanted them to be older for all the incidents. I also don't know about college life cause I am in school, so that's why it is different and weird.

If you like it, you are free to read it and share it with your friends. But if you don't like it, then please move on and there is no need for hate comments.

There will be grammar mistakes, so please forgive me.

A little bit of crude language will be there and a lot of violence. So, I would suggest 13+ readers.

I do not own any pictures. They are either taken from google or Pinterest or any other social media platform.

Just a reminder that if you like it, then don't forget to vote on the chapters. Your support motivates me to keep going and continue writing.

It's a humble request, so please do not, I repeat do not copy my work.

P.S. This story is under editing. Which means that if I have to add something in the new chapters and that makes me change something in the previous chapter, then i will. So, no need to get confused.

Thank you 🙏 and continue reading.

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