Part 21 : Dropped dead

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Ashley's POV

All the men dropped dead and the police surrounded us. While we were in the corridors, I had called the police.

Lucas was by my side instantly and asked worriedly "Are you okay?"

I replied with a small smile "Yeah I am fine."

My arm suddenly jerked and Nathaniel dragged me towards the door with his revolver aimed at my head. All the heads shot up to me and the police officers aimed their own guns towards Nathaniel.

He got a sickening smile on his face and told me "If I die here, you will die before me."

I saw Lucas's face and he had a really scared look. I have never seen him like this before. I could hear Ryder crying behind lucas and i gulped as fear started creeping it's way in my heart.

Nathaniel will shoot me!

I am going to die!

Now, I can clearly remember the day of my escape. The day i killed his family. I never enjoyed killing them. It was pure self defense. I had nightmares after I escaped, either about getting tortured or stabbing him. But i got over it after two years.

And now I am afraid for my life.

No, no, no, I cannot die. I have to do something or think about something. I am trained for these kind of situations, I can't die.

People were shouting all around me but I couldn't hear them. I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing but before I could think of something, I heard that noise.


I waited for the pain but nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw Nathaniel's eyes widen from horror and his gun fell to the ground. His grip on me also loosened and his body fell to the ground face-first.

There on his back, was a gun shot wound and blood was coming out of it. I was shocked and stood still like a statue. Everyone's expression mirrored mine.

What just happened?

Then I heard the voice I haven't heard in past five years. " I have a nice aim, don't I ? Straight through the heart."

I moved my face towards the door and there he was, standing with a pistol in his hand and his hair messy as usual. He had a grin and I got one just as quickly as I saw him.

Here he is. My brother with whom I haven't been able to meet from past eight years. He opened his arms for me and I jumped on him and engulfed him in a tight hug. Tears started pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls and I buried my face in his neck.

"I missed you, Alan. " I told him.

He rubbed my back and replied "I missed you too, princess."

We pulled apart and he wiped my tears and asked " How are you? Did anyone bully you? Just tell me I will beat them to pulp."

He said while examining my face. I laughed a little at that and replied " I am totally fine and no, no one bullied me."

He nodded and then I heard his voice too "Yes dad, everything is settled here."

He was talking on the phone and heading our way. I ran upto him and jumped in his arms too and he also caught me.

"Heavens know princess, how much we missed you." He said almost in a whisper.

I couldn't reply to him because my tears came back and simply nodded.

Aaron and Alan are my elder brothers. Aaron is
26 years old and Alan is 25 years old.

When we went back in the cafeteria, I was smiling like an idiot but that smile quickly vanished at the scene inside and I remembered just what had happened here.

Police officers were bringing body bags inside and loading all the dead bodies inside. Forensic experts have also gathered here.

Then, a pair of arms wrapped around me which I have grown very familiar with.

"God Ash! I thought I would never be able to see you again." Lucas said in a whisper. I sighed in content and hugged him back.

Then a throat cleared and we pulled apart. I could clearly see the disappointment on Lucas's face which made me chuckle.

I introduced them and Lucas was shocked after hearing that they are my brothers and my brothers were shocked to know that I am friends with the famous Lucas Kingsley who was now having a cold look while surrounded by a lot of people

The police officer nodded at Aaron who nodded back.

Lucas then whispered in my ear " You have a lot of explaining to do."

I just sighed and nodded. I am really happy after meeting my brothers but am dreading the conversation I will have with Lucas.

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