Part 28 : Date night

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Ashley's POV

There he was standing

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There he was standing.

The man who took my breath away.

Looking extremely handsome and confident with a single rose in his hand. His hair gelled, styled back perfectly. God surely put a lot of effort in making this creature.

"You look stunning. Mesmerizing even." He said gently, handing me the rose.

I replied with small blush "Thanks and you also look really good."

He smiled and extended his hand. I took it and he opened the car door of a black Jaguar for me.

I got in and he got in too after me

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I got in and he got in too after me. We then drove in a comfortable silence. He was holding my hand while driving with the other. The atmosphere gradually became cozy and romantic.

After 30 minutes of driving, I realised that we were going towards the Los Angeles beach. We arrived at the beach and he came out to open my door.

I thanked him and took off my heels in on hand while the rose was in the other. We both started walking on the sand and my heart skipped a beat by the sight in front of me. Hymn to the sea from Titanic was playing in the background.

"It's beautiful" I said with big, shining eyes

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"It's beautiful" I said with big, shining eyes.

He chuckled softly and said " I wanted my, I mean our first date to be perfect."

I looked up at him and asked "It's your first date?"

He answered nervously while scratching the back of his neck "Yeah"

I then said excitedly "Mine too. Its really appealing."

He smiled and his earlobes and cheeks got a little red. "Let's sit down and eat." I nodded happily.

Him being the gentleman, pulled back the chair for me and i sat down. We had creamy lemon spaghetti with red wine. It was still hot and looked mouth-watering. After the main course, we had chocolate mousse cake in dessert.

Everything tasted delicious. We then started making small talks, talking about each other's likes and dislikes, just enjoying each other's company and the atmosphere around.

Then, he got up and held his hand out for me "Will you dance with me?"

I smiled, nodded and took his hand. We both went in the middle of the clearing and Night Changes by One direction started playing from somewhere.

We both started dancing, my hands around his neck and his on my waist.

This is just perfect.

I want to stop time and stay in this moment forever.

The song finished and we both pulled apart and smiled at each other. Background music started playing again and he took out a small velvet gift box out of his pocket.

I gasped seeing it and nearly fell to the floor. Instead, I sat back on my seat and he did the same. He handed it to me and i gently opened it. A beautiful diamond ring was elegantly sitting there.

I looked at him with shining eyes

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I looked at him with shining eyes. He took out the ring and slid it in my ring finger.

"It's a promise ring. I promise to be loyal and to stay by your side through all the ups and downs. You bring out the best in me and i always want to put a smile on your face. And you know that i am bad with words and speeches and all, I here I am, trying for you. So, for now, will you be my girlfriend?"

I had tears in my eyes after the end of his silly yet cute little speech. But I didn't let them fall and quickly wiped them away.

A big smile came on my face or wait! I don't think that I have stopped smiling since I came here. I just said "Yes, offcourse, yes! How can I say no to this or to you."

He got up with a huge grin and hugged me tightly. He looked like a little kid who got tons of his favorite candies.

We sat there for a while, enjoying the sea view and I also made a promise to myself, that I will always stay by his side through all the ups and downs and won't let him get hurt because of my messy life.

After a while, we got up to go back. It has gotten really dark now. But we weren't going in the direction of the car.

He then said, probably sensing my confusion "Our date isn't over. It won't be over until Monday."

Saying that i was shocked would be an understatement, I was beyond speechless.

He continued "I have already taken permission from your brother and friends. They thought that it will be a good distraction for you as weren't able to sleep all these nights because of nightmares.

Although they didn't know about our park arrangements, still that got me the chance to take you out. And I also wanted to take you away from all the stress. So, I booked a hotel room here for us." He explained with enthusiasm.

Oh man! He is just awesome.

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