Part 5 : Friends

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Ashley's POV

He was clearly surprised by this and I was surprised by the fact that Ryder is his brother. Then, the door opened and walked out Ryder himself. We both looked at him in shock. But I was the first to recover and kneeled down beside him and asked "Why are you out love? I just tucked you in bed" I scolded him.

He replies "I heard bubba's voice, so I came out because he was not coming inside. Angel, meet my brother Lucas." Then, he turned towards Lucas and said "Bubba, meet angel. She is the one I always talks about."

He said and Lucas quickly snaped out of his shocked look and gently said "I have already met her bud, and she is also in my college." He told him. I have never seen this side of him before. He is always so cold and now he is so gentle and loving. I was feeling a little weird and there was warmth seeping in my heart.

Then Ryder asked "Are you both friends?"

Lucas replied "No, but now that you want us to be, we will be. Right?" He says while looking at me.

Ryder also looked expectantly at me and I just sighed while looking at both of them. Then replied "Alright, we will be friends."

Ryder then cheered and high-fived Lucas. They both were having grins on their faces and both looked adorable. I quietly took their picture. Then, Ryder suddenly yawned and I remembered that It was past his bed time. The nurse then took him to sleep with leaving Lucas and me behind in an awkward silence.

Lucas then breaks the silence while rubbing his neck "I am sorry for how I behaved earlier." And I mumbled under my breath "the bad boy apologizes too".

He asked looking confused " Um.... What?"

I quickly replied "Nothing, just saying that it's okay"

Then another awkward silence fell upon us. This time i started "So, we are friends now?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not! So, from now on we are friends." He said with a real smile and I smiled back. He again asked "Can I ask you a question?"

And I replied "You just did."

He looked at me sternly and said "Very funny." I chuckled and said "Ok ask."

He asked "Why do you wear nerd clothes and act like a nerd in college?"

I didn't know how to answer that and just said instead "I don't like getting a lot of attention." I just shrugged. He didn't seem to be convinced but didn't ask any further. Then he said "Give me your phone."

I looked at him confusingly but still gave it. He again looked shocked as my phone is the latest model of I-phone.

He then asked "I heard that you are a poor orphan, how was you able to afford it?" I just said while shrugging again "Let's just say that my biological parents were loaded and they left me their everything."

He muttered while shaking his head "You are full of secrets." And I just smiled.

Then, we started walking to the parking lot together and he asked me for a ride back but I politely refused by showing him my car keys. He then again looked shocked by seeing my Tesla. He looked deep in thought and I had a nervous smile onn. Would he found out that my car is a limited edition? Please no. I can't have this much trouble on me.

He then smiles and asks for my phone again as he gave it back to me before. I handed over my phone and I saw him putting his number in and messaging himself a hi. He also puts Xavier's and Carter's number in it.

After that, he returns my phone and said "I will introduce you to them on Monday." I was a little nervous but smiled and said "Okay, see you on monday."

With that being said, we both went on our different ways.

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