Part 8 : Truly adorable

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Ashley's POV

They all agreed to me and went to our separate classes. In the end of the day, they met me in the parking lot. They had their own cars and I went in with Lucas. I gave him directions and as we arrived, they all looked shocked. They probably thought that I lived in a small flat or a bumpkin type of house. They might have also thought that I didn't wanted anyone to know where I lived because my place was bad but they clearly didn't expect this.

My house is huge

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My house is huge. Not a mansion but still big. It has a living room, 2 master bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, 4 guest rooms and a back yard. As we entered, they looked more and more surprised by the expensive furniture.

Cara shows up and said with a surprise "ah! Madam, you brought some friends over. It's good to see you interacting with others. " I smiled and said "Get us some snacks and set up Netflix in the living room." She nodded and went to do what I asked.

I just remembered, what about my job! I will just quit as I am not pretending to be a poor nerd or anything.

I then turned towards the boys and said "I am going to change. wait in the living room and if you want to freshen up, go to the guest bedrooms." They nodded. I quickly went to my room and changed into something comfortable and then went down stairs in the living room.

Xavier was laying on a whole sofa and Carter was doing the same

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Xavier was laying on a whole sofa and Carter was doing the same. I just frowned and sat down with Lucas. In the middle of fourth episode, I got blankets for everyone and Lucas and me shared one. All of them were soo engrossed but as I had already watched, I started feeling sleepy and laid my head on Lucas's shoulder.

I would have fallen asleep because now, I woke up with whispers around me. I was laying on top of Lucas with my head on his chest. As I looked around with my sleepy eyes, I noticed Xavier and Carter looking at something on their phone. I asked them to show me what they are seeing and I was a picture of me sleeping peacefully on Lucas with his arms around my waist. It looked truly adorable!

I just said "Send it to me." and went back to sleep. It will surely bother me in the morning when I will be fully awake.

Next day.
I am laying on something warm. I had a really good sleep. Wait! I looked down and saw that I am laying on top of Lucas who is still asleep. I quickly stood up but fell on the ground. Thankfully, nobody woke up. Xavier and Carter were sleeping on different sofas.

It was 4 am and Cara don't come until 6am. I then remembered last night's events and instantly started blushing. That picture was really cute. I went to my room, got freshen up and changed into a black crop top, black ripped jeans and a blue jacket. White shoes with my necklace which I never take off.

And I was ready

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And I was ready. As I went down stairs, I saw them still sleeping. So, I started making breakfast for everyone. I made pancakes and waffles with orange juice. I only know how to make breakfast. Whatever else I try to cook, It gets wasted. Always!

By the time I was finished, they all had woken up and changed. They all had extra pair of clothes in their cars.

They helped me set the table and then we all sat down. Lucas next to me and Xavier and Carter in front of us.

They all started eating like small children which made me giggle. All of them were eating pancakes and I was the only one with waffles as I don't like pancakes. Xavier moaned while eating and Carter said with a mouth full of pancakes " It iz cho mazty " I couldn't understand what he said and made a confused face which probably looked weird as they all started laughing and I also joined in.

Soon, they finished and then Carter repeated "It was soo tasty. " I smiled and said "yeah, I know. Now hurry or we are going to be late." They nodded and we all went out in our seperate cars.

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