Part 9 : Barbie

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Ashley's POV

Four luxurious cars coming in the parking lot one by one. It truly looked epic.

As I got out of my car, I heard many gasps and I just smirked. We took a selfie and went inside together.

Like in the movies, students were making a way for us to walk. I felt like a royalty again. Just like how I felt 8 years ago. I was the most pampered child in my family and everybody loved me because I wasn't spoiled. I appreciated everything. But it all changed by one incident. By one man. Never mind. Get back to reality.

We said our goodbyes and went into different classes. In all lectures, children stayed away from me like before, but there is a difference this time. Before, they stayed away from me because it was like they were disgusted from me. But now, it is because of fear. Because they are afraid of me. And I like it. All my previous bullies are now afraid of me. And the kind people who would pass by me, they all would give me encouraging smiles which I would return gladly.

I feel awesome by being my real self. It was lunch time now, I went to cafeteria and spotted Xavier and Carter on a different table from the populars. Lucas was nowhere to be seen. Xavier waved at me and I went over.

I sat down and like guessing my confusion. Carter said "Lucas is in washroom, he will be here any minute." I nodded and started eating my lunch.

I saw Paige and her minions walking over to us. She had a band aid on her nose and I smirked inwardly. She slammed her hands on the table. There was pin-drop silence in the cafeteria. Nobody was seeing in our direction but I knew they all were listening. I just calmly looked at her with my arms crossed.

She said"Listen here, stay away from Lucas. He is mine." I just snickered and said "Is your name written on him? Or are you dating him?" I asked her with mockery clear in my eyes.

She replied through gritted teeth "Even if we are not dating now, but will start dating soon. And what do you think that now you are wearing better clothes, you are pretty! You are just a random slut. He will never want you."

I calmly let her finish and replied in a bored tone "Says the one who has probably slept with more than half of the boys here."

Many snickers and chuckles were heard throughout the room. Xavier and Carter were trying to control their laughter from which their faces were turning red. A giggle escaped my lips.

I again said "And I will stay away from him when you two start dating and I don't think that he will ever want to make a Barbie his girlfriend."

She was now fuming with rage. She was about to snap back but Lucas walked in. He looked as calm as the sun. He walked over and sat beside me completely ignoring Paige. He stole my fries and I smacked his arm. He chuckled by my reaction and gave them back. Nobody considered the fact that Paige was still standing here.

She frowned but suddenly smirked. She walked over to Lucas and wrapped her arms around him. She whined "Baby, I missed you."

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