Part 7 : Acting over

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Ashley's POV

Paige tried to slap me but as I was still angry, I grabbed her arm before she could hit me. She seemed really shocked like everybody. Her 5.5ft figure was nothing compared to my 5.7ft one. She got back her senses and quickly retreated her hand. She made a move again and tried to slap me again. How dumb ! I again grabbed her hand and punched her nose.

She screamed and clutched her bleeding nose. I saw Lucas, Xavier and Carter in the crowd looking just as surprised as others. I was breathing heavily and I bet my anger was evident on my face. I then moved my eyes and they landed on Nathan. He was hiding his eye while wearing a pissed off look. His eyes met mine and I just smirked.

He retreated his steps and got out of my line of view. Lucas came up to me and hugged me. This surprised me a little but I was still angry and his scent calmed me down. I hid my face in his chest and hugged him back.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Brittany and Tiffany taking a crying Paige to the nursing room. Xavier and Carter were sending the crowd away. After a while, I got my breathing under control and left Lucas's embrace.

I said without looking him in the eye "I.... I am... I am sorry. I... I just lost control of myself. My anger got the best of me because of that.... That stupid Nathaniel. It's just that he tried to make a move on me which pissed me off. I shouldn't have punched her. I just..... I totally ruined my nerd act today. I should... "

He cut off my rambling by placing his finger on my lips and said "It's okay. Don't worry. Everything is fine and I think that it is a good thing."

"How is it a good thing?" I asked.

He replied with a smile "Now, you don't have to act like a nerd and wear baggy clothes. You can show your true self."

I guess he has a point there. But he doesn't know that getting a lot of attention can cause a lot of trouble. It can expose my real identity. I just smiled at him and we started walking towards our next class.

But he suddenly stopped me and asked "Wait, you said Nathaniel tried to make a move on you earlier. What did he do?" His mood drastically changed to one of pure anger.

I tried to calm him down and said "Calm down, he tried to touch me and I gave him a black eye in return. Didn't you see him hiding his right eye."

Behind him, Xavier and Carter were full on laughing after hearing that I gave him a black eye. Lucas then slowly calmed down.

And Carter suddenly puts his arm over my shoulder and said "You are really cool." Then Xavier also chimed in and said "Yeah, at first when I saw you, I thought that you are just a shy and boring nerd. No offense but you are really cool."

I just chuckled and said "You thought that I was shy and boring because I wanted you to think of me that way."

My words just confused the three of them so instead I said "Never mind, I just sometimes says a lot of weird things." They all nodded.

Carter then suddenly said "Hey are you free today? We all can hangout at Lucas's house."

Going to Lucas's house just made my heart flutter for an unknown reason. I quickly put that feeling aside and said "Yeah, I am free. We can surely watch vampire diaries together."

They shared confused lookes and Lucas asked "What are Vampire Diaries?"

I gasped and we all stopped walking "You guys don't know about vampire diaries. You strange fellows! We are going to have a vampire diaries marathon today. And for your information, it's a web show."

They nodded but now Lucas stopped us from walking "I just remembered, all the electronics in my house are damaged due to yesterday night's lightening and they won't be repaired until tomorrow."

They looked conflicted so I said "You all can come to my house. But you can't tell a single soul where I live and how my house looks like."

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