Part 38 : Confession

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Ashley's POV

"That went well!" I said out loud.

"Very well! It couldn't be any better." Lucas replied sarcastically and both the boys rolled their eyes.

"Never mind, I am really happy for you guys. I am gonna be an aunt!" I said to Aaron and Kiara. That brought smiles at everyone's faces.

"Yeah, I am going to be a father in 8 months." Aaron replied dreamily and his arm around Kiara tightened.

After hearing the good news which was clearly shocking, we all decided to maintain peace and talk calmly. Mason reluctantly agreed for them to be together and agreed for me and Lucas too but not without giving me a contemptuous glare. Maria was overjoyed and in tears.

"I will drop Kiara off and she will be moving in with me the day after tomorrow. I will come tomorrow to help with packing." Aaron said.

And yes, Kiara will be staying with us now. Basically with Aaron until they both decide to go back to New York and live together. I still can't believe that I am going to have a niece or nephew but I will.

Anyway, they said goodbye and left but me and lucas just stood there and after a while, Lucas leaned back against his car and wrapped me up in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and sighed.

"That was awful." I said after some time.

"Yeah, but please don't think badly about my father. He isn't usually like this and just wants to protect me. He thought that you are here to break my heart and all but that's not true." He replied quickly.

He looked a little worried, so i gave him a small smile and said "No, I am not mad at him and I understand that he is protective over his children but that just means that he loves you...........It's just that I don't want you to fight with him because of me and..."

I stopped mid-sentence and slightly looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. This all is definitely not good and there is a new thing too that I didn't want to admit earlier but I am going to now because I can surely lie to others, but can't lie to myself.

"And........ " He encouraged me to go on.

I started "There's just something about you that I'm scared to lose because I know I won't find it in anyone else."

I stopped so that he could think my words over in his head and understand what I am saying but he didn't give any reaction. His face was blank like he couldn't understand what I was saying. He is usually quick-witted but it is taking him longer to comprehend this situation. He blinked twice and looked like he came back to his senses.

But before he could stop me, I said quickly "The thing is, I love you."

Here it is. I have finally said it.

I waited for him to say something.

Anything. But mostly that he loved me back.

"Wha-what? What did you say?" He stuttered in a small voice. When I again looked up at him, I swear I saw his eyes glistening.

That's why I repeated "I said I love you. I love you with all my heart."

He blinked again and then laughed softly.

"Oh god! I love you too." He said while laughing.

A smile graced my lips and my heart fluttered after hearing those magical words from him. This is too good to be true. But it is true.

He then took my face in his hands and slowly, tenderly kissed me. His lips were soft and luscious that i couldn't get enough of it. He kissed me like there's no tomorrow and yet so much more. I kissed him back with the same intensity. We then slowly pulled apart, savoring the moment and smiled at each other.

He then said "I won't promise you the moon and the stars because that would be really cheesy and unreal but I promise you that from now on, you will never have to fight your battles alone. If they are mental or physical, I don't care. I will forever stay by your side." And then he hugged me.

My heart skipped a beat at his words and dinosaurs have been running in my stomach all this time. It feels so good to let it out.  And it's even better when your feelings are returned by the person you love.

He then opened the car door for me and then he went in himself after me. We both were beaming in joy.

As we went out from the parking lot, I had a feeling that someone was watching us. I saw that Lucas noticed it too by the way he tensed beside me but we both ignored it and that was probably a reall big mistake.

He then dropped me at home and went back. I went to sleep in a really good mood.

Everybody living in my house decided that they would help Aaron and Kiara in packing during the weekend because they decided to go to New York right away. Probably or mainly to let Kiara meet our parents as she is pregnant now.

Lucas was busy with his parents the entire two days, so we didn't meet but stayed connected through texts.

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