Part 24 : He is alive

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Ashley's POV

I have missed out a lot on my brothers's and best friends's lives, and i want to know all about it. Every one was grinning and having small talks with each other and felt contented. Only vanessa was the one with a gloomy face here. Not that i care about her.

Kelly, Julie and James introduced themselves as Sinclairs. The guys are getting along well and both the girls don't like Vanessa just like me.

"Ashley, we have something to tell you." Kelly said.

Alan spoke "Yeah, please don't get mad at me. Just listen first to what I am saying and try...."

He was cut off by Kelly as she blurted out, startling me. "We both are dating"

An awkward silence fell upon us as I was trying to process what she said. Kelly and Alan are together. My best friend could be my sister in law some day.

I then jumped and hugged her tightly with a big smile. "OMG! That's awesome! I am really happy for you. For how long is this going on? Does he treat you right?"

"It's been four years. And i am really happy with him and he treats me very well." Kelly replied with a satisfied smile.

I then turned towards Alan and said threateningly "If you dare to hurt her, I will chop your balls and feed them to sharks."

All of them chuckled while Alan gulped. Then, I noticed that Aaron isn't paying much attention and has been texting someone all this while.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked my brother as I sat down next to him.

A voice suddenly came from the door "me" And the door slowly opened. All of our attention quickly shifted on the beautiful woman on the door. Kelly and Julie instantly replied "Hi Kiara"

The woman who is supposed to be Kiara smiled at them. She looks a little familiar........ Wait!

She is Kiara Kingsley. Lucas's elder sister. Lucas's jaw dropped to the floor and Aaron stood up while I quietly sat back next to Lucas. Aaron stretched his hand towards her which she gracefully took and sat down next to him.

She said " Hi Ashley. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Kiara, Aaron's girlfriend."

I was again shocked and mumbled "How are my idiot brothers able to get me such pretty sister in laws."

Everybody laughed except my brothers, who quietly scowled. Lucas and Kiara then stood up and exchanged greetings. She even deliberately kissed his cheek which he wiped off harshly. Everybody knew about Kiara being a Kingsley as she is a world famous model. She was recently in San Francisco for a shoot.

We all chatted for a while, easily ignoring the incident that took place a few hours ago. Xavier and Carter would not be discharged from the hospital for the next week.

We all then went home which by the way were me, Aaron, Alan, James, Kelly and Julie. Lucas and Kiara went their way.

Now, I need to sort out the rooms and we all needed a little chat.

A serious one.

Alan and Kelly were sharing a room while others were staying in separate ones. All the rooms are full now except for a master bedroom which I have saved for my parents that by any chance they have to come here, they would be comfortable.

Right now, we all are in the living room with serious and deadly expressions as we have not yet discussed what exactly happened because there were many other people in the hospital and we couldn't possibly talk about it there.

There are lot of things and matters to be solved as there is a bigger problem at hand. "We have a bigger problem. My assumptions were right at that time. Zachary is alive."

Their faces just grew hard and they didn't show any sign of surprise. Guess they already figured it out and knew that I was right.

My life just keeps getting better.

Note the sarcasm !

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