Part 47 : Decision

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Lucas's POV

The paramedics pushed the stretcher in the operation room but they didn't let me come in. Feeling exhausted, I sat down on one of the waiting chairs.

How could this happen. The tears I had so perfectly controlled back then fell down freely now.

She will be okay. She has to be okay.

Otherwise, I don't think that I would be able to ever forgive myself for what happened. I will not be able to live with the guilt if something happens to her. I was just there and I couldn't protect her.

This is all my fault.

There was so much blood. But atleast she was breathing and she had a pulse the entire way here.

She will be fine. She will be fine.

Wiping my tears slightly, I gave a call to Alan. He would probably be here to break my neck soon.

While I was pathetically crying over something which was entirely out of my control and for the love of my life, my phone rang. It was from my father. I wiped my tears again and switched to a neutral tone.

We greeted each other and he asked me where I was. I told him calmly that i was in the hospital. But before he could ask anything else, I heard a gruffy voice tell him

"Boss, the job is done. I'm pretty sure that she won't survi-SHUT UP".

The other person was cut of by my father. I was in total disbelief. Could my own father actually do something like this? I didn't have to ask myself that question twice. I hung up straight away and switched off my phone.

My father sent one of his men to do this. Just because I went against his decision, he decided to harm Ashley. Oh, this all is actually my own father's fault, making it partially mine. If only I had listened to him, even if that meant that me and Ashley didn't stay together, she would have been totally fine.

Feeling angry at myself, I punched the wall opposite the chair I was sitting on. Once. Twice. Thrice.

And that's when a nearby nurse stopped me. I can't tell what happened next, all i remember is the pain in my chest, in my heart. Then, I heard shouting, heard mine and Ashley's name being yelled.

Alan, Kelly and Juliana were running my way, looking extremely worried. The nurse had patched my hand completely by the time they came and the three asked question after question about Ashley and what happened.

But one thing got to me, they didn't blame me for what happened. They even trusted me. I wanted to laugh at myself. It was partially my fault that now Ashley was hurt.

Before I could even utter a single word, the doctor came out of the operating room. I quickly asked him "Doctor, how is Ashley?"

He scanned the four of us and asked for her family. Alan instantly went forward and told him to say everything to all of us.

The doctor said "The dagger caused fracture to two ribs and one of them penetrated through her lung and caused it to collapse. It needs immediate surgery or her condition can get critical."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Alan asked desperately.

"A family member needs to sign some paperwork first." He replied calmly.

"I will sign them. I'm her brother. But please hurry." Alan pleaded and went ahead with another nurse.

The doctor went inside again and after a few minutes, a few more doctors entered the room.

Then after 15 mins, Alan came back talking on the phone to someone and he hung up as soon as he reached us.

He told us that the best surgeons were luckily already in the city and now they are treating Ashley. Hearing that, I slumped back down on one of the chairs in relief.

She will be fine. She will be fine.

"Uhm... Lucas mhm...... What about those.... umm photos?" Kelly mumbled distantly.

Right then and there, I made a decision. I will not let anyone harm Ashley ever again. Whatever that means, I will always protect her.

The thoughts that ran through my mind at that moment were sinister and my face visibly darkened. Juliana stiffened seeing my face and i wiped my face dry of tears.

And i said "They are true." Then stood up and slowly walked out of the hospital while the people left behind were wide eyed.

She will be fine now.

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