Part 13 : Nervous

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Lucas's POV

Ashley has always got me worked up. I was always so curious about the nerd but never showed it.

She is such a strong and sweet girl and is really pretty. Probably the prettiest and hottest girl I have ever seen.

Her smile and her laughter always makes me happy. And she looks even more hot when she is angry.

Seeing her with me makes me want to give her the whole world.

But she has a lot of secrets for an orphan. Like how she has an I-phone, a giant house and a Tesla. But I didn't push her to tell me because I know she won't tell anything to anyone until she trusts the person and I want to be that person.

Or maybe I will just have to wait for the right time.

Her little actions make me feel things I have never felt before. I have never smiled and laughed this much outside my house or without my family.

And damn! The girl have abs. I mean the most sexiest thing in the world would be your girl having abs.

And I just love the feeling of her touch or her presence with me. Like how tightly she has hugged my torso right now on the bike.

We reached campus. She got off and I followed. She was grinning from ear to ear, smiling like a child. I chuckled seeing how happy she is.

We met Xavier and Carter who were also on their bikes. We all headed towards our locker.

At her locker, I asked her slightly nervous "Ash, There is a party on Friday at Cole's. He announced about it at lunch time but we sat outside that day. Will you go?"

I was trying to sound as casual as possible but from the inside, I was nervous as hell. This girl makes me feel things I have never felt before. I have never been this nervous.

And, I call her Ash as a nickname from a couple of days now. Although she said that she doesn't like it and nobody has ever called her that before, but I know for a fact that she loves it.

She turned around to look at me and narrowed her eyes with a small smile forming on her lips.

She knows exactly how I am feeling right now.

How nervous I am!

She then smirked and said "Sure, but I have a condition."

I asked her slightly confused " What condition?"

She replied "There is an important assignment due Thursday. You will have to study with me for that."

She said smiling innocently at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

I slowly walked towards her and she backed away looking a little nervous. I put my left hand next to her head on the locker and the other beside her waist. She was trapped between me and the locker. She looked extremely nervous and I smirked.

My face just a few inches away from her.

My grey eyes locked into her icy blue ones.

My heart beating faster but I completely ignored it.

I could already tell that my eyes we're turning a darker shade from the very small aproximity between us.

I said in a low tone, my voice coming out husky and deeper than usual.

"Sure, but do you just want to study with me? I mean we can do a lot of different and more interesting things together."

Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor and her eyes widened. She quickly realized what I said and pushed me with great force. She has a lot more strength than a normal girl.

I stumbled back and saw her cheeks flushed crimson red from blushing.

She said without even looking at me "Ok, after your basketball practice, we will meet at the library. And we will only research for the assignment, nothing else."

I chuckled at how cute she looked while blushing. The bell then rang and we both looked at each other with widen eyes.

We both ran towards our first class.

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