Part 33 : Beat them up

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Ashley's POV

"Lucas buddy, can you give her to us after you are bored?"

Well, that made everyone's blood boil, including mine. So I let go of Lucas's arm, giving him silent permission to do whatever he wanted. Other girls did the same and Aaron, Alan and James went forward along with Lucas in rage.

I folded my arms above my chest as Lucas grabbed the man's collar who said that line and whispered something in his ear that made him pale and he sobered up quickly.

He then without any second thought punched him. Xavier and Carter also went forward to join the fight. There were like more than 12 boys who were drunk in the other group while there were only 5 in our team.

Nothing big. I am sure they can handle it.

In the end, the other 15 boys were on the ground, some whimpering in pain and some already passed out while the men from our team only had bruised knuckles.

Julie spoke up behind me in excitement "That was awesome."

Kelly also piped in "Yeah, just like in the movies."

Me and Kiara instantly started laughing. I was about to walk forward towards Lucas but Vanessa came forward and stood in front of him.

She grabbed his hands and said looking worried "Why did you do that? Look at your hands. You shouldn't have fought them."

I raised my eyebrows at her. He tried to pull his hands away but she held onto them tightly. And of course, he isn't going to use force here, afraid of hurting a girl. Such a gentleman! I rolled my eyes as he got a blank expression which showed nothing but annoyance.

Paige also chimed in "Yeah, you shouldn't have done that for her. After all, we all know that you are going to breakup with her sooner or later. She just doesn't match your standards."

Okay then, she cannot say whatever she wants. I have tolerated enough of her from so many years. Her friends also backed her up which made her in a group of 7 girls including her.

A lot of people were recording this whole thing from the group which has formed around us.

Me, Kelly and Julie looked at each other and wicked smiles came on our faces. Our eyes shining with well-hidden sinister glints, we slowly walked towards them.

I said while still having that evil smile on my face which made me look extremely scary "You know, my brothers and my boyfriend are all gentlemen, so they don't hit girls. Which means we get the pleasure of doing so."

They instantly cowered in fear except Paige who faked her confidence. Xavier and Carter scoffed at the same time, Xavier said "We both are not gentlemen, so let us help you."

Kelly instantly retorted, taking in their still healing condition "No need, we can handle them."

We were already standing in front of them now and they were showing fake confidence.

Julie turned towards me " Can I get the fake barbie from this group, please! And what.... "

She couldn't even finish her sentence before a slap landed on her face. Does she have a death wish! Xavier was about to pounce on Paige but was held back just like James.

"How-how dare you call me a freak or a fake barbie? Do you know who I am? I am the only daughter of the Johnson family! You are just a lowlife! A bitch! I might even marry into the Kingsleys in the future and even if....."

She stopped talking after hearing the cracking sounds as I popped my knuckles. Her face turned pale by the look on my face.

Kelly roared "How dare you touch my sister? How dare you? We don't care as to who you are because you can't do anything to us. And you want to marry in the Kingsleys, then keep dreaming. The Kingsleys would never want a fake barbie as their daughter in-law who doesn't even know how to talk without cursing." She completed as she pointed a finger towards her.

"This is enough. She is mine. I am really going to have fun playing with you." Julie said as a sinister look appeared on her face.

I said wickedly "Sure, do whatever you want. We both will look after the other freaks here."

They all instantly tried to back away but our men blocked their way.

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