Part 41 : Disaster

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Lucas's POV

Holy crap !!

My head is killing me. I slowly opened my eyes, my hand instantly went to my head and i groaned from the pain. I then rubbed my eyes to get my vision clear. I slowly sat up and saw that i was not in my room.

Okay wait! What in the hell is going on!

Why am I naked? And where am I?

Then it hitted me and i remembered the party last night, I got drunk after just a couple of drinks which was strange and i remember going towards the restroom but i don't remember anything after that.

What happened and why am I........
Oh no! Please! I cannot get into a one night stand. No! That would be disastrous! I cannot just lose it like that!

That's when I noticed a figure curled at the corner of the room. Pale skin, Red swollen eyes, tear streaked face and messy hair.

I jumped from the bed in fright and quickly put on my clothes. She was staring at the floor, staring at nothing. Deep in thought. My mind went towards the worst possibilities but i shook my head.

I called out to her "Ashley?"

But she didn't respond. I scooted closer towards her and sat down in front of her. I noticed her hands shaking, so I took them into mine and she finally looked up at me. Her face void of any emotion.

I asked gently "What happened, baby?"

But she just looked at me without blinking. I was starting to freak out a little by her behavior. But I don't know what to expect when I was naked myself a little while ago.

"Ashley, please tell me I didn't force myself on you!" I said worriedly.

She let out a humorless laugh which totally creeped me out.

"No, you didn't." She said and I heaved a sigh of relief. She then suddenly started crying and my relief went out of the window. It hurts me to see her like this.

"Why are you crying ? What's wrong?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her while she cried on my shoulder.

"It...its all my fa-fault. I... I should have co-come with you o-or I should have ju-just stopped you from com-coming." She said in between her cries.

I got extremely confused by that and my headache was not helping at all.

"Nothing's your fault and tell me what's wrong? What happened baby?"
I tried to calm her and ask her at the same time. Something really bad happened that had put her in this state.

"Did somebody touch you or hurt you?" I asked with poorly contained rage.

"No, it's not me! It-its, I, I don't kn-know, I mean......." She stammered while looking at me and sobbed.

My heart clenched at her miserable voice and looking at her like this was hurting my soul. I would do anything to take her pain away. I hugged her tightly as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Then what is it?" I tried asking again while brushing my hand through her hair to calm her.

"It's...... It's Paige..... Sh-she spiked you-your drink....... And sle-slept with you." She said in between her cries and sobs. Never in a million years I would have expected that.

"Sh-she took ad-advantage of y-you." She choked out. I was stunned still.

I slowly settled down next to her while she rested her head on my shoulder and tried to gather her thoughts and keep herself together. She really needed to keep herself together because once the point settled in my mind, I would fall apart.

No, no, no! I cannot do this. I am a man and I cannot break down. I don't believe that Paige would go this far. I refuse to believe it. I wrapped my arm around her and tried to convince her too.

"Look, this cannot happen. I don't believe that Paige would go thi-this far. She is trying to mess with us." I said.

She looked at me with those icy blue eyes. The blue of her eyes had gotten dull and I don't like it that way one bit. I will make everything right.

"Look, you are in denial. But everything will be fine. Not the same but fine." She again said, trying to sound confident but that quiver in her voice gave her away.

"No, nothing happened here. Everything will be the same. We don't...... " I was stopped mid-sentence by her.

"Lucas, you have to be rational here. You were gone for almost an hour and were naked just now! Being in denial isn't going to help. " This time, I stopped her.

"No, Ashley! It could all be just a trick to fool us." I don't know if I am trying to convince her or myself because I am not being logical at all.

"Why would she want to fool us? Not to mention that I saw her get-getting out of this room while fixing her dr-dress, messy hair and smug mak-makeup!" Her voice had a quiver that made it clear that she was barely holding it together.

Her words maybe knocked some sense into me that the thought of being taken advantage of finally settled in my mind and a tear fell down on my lap. My hands started shaking and my eyes widened momentarily. I couldn't comprehend the voice that came out of my throat and I started crying.

She finally wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly while placing her head on top of mine and rubbed my back gently. I hugged her stomach and cried my heart out.

"Oh g-god." I cried and cried until there were only silent tears left. I knew for a fact that she was crying too. But so silently, letting me know that she is here with me. For me.

I don't know what I am going to do now. I am not a virgin anymore. All my plans for that perfect moment are ruined. Where will our relationship go after this! By her behavior, I know that she isn't going to leave me. I don't want her to leave me. I don't think that I can live without her.

What about my father? The main reason I decided to stay as a virgin for this long was to prove a point to him. He wanted me to get together with a young lady from some eminent family or someone with equal status. He had introduced me to a lot of women but they were all the same. After me for my family status, power or money.

But Ashley is not like them. She is my angel with those devilish eyes. She loves me for who I am, not for my money or power. Although there are some things she hasn't told me yet, I know she will in the future.

"I love you so much." Ashley whispered in my ear right before I fell asleep.

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