Part 29 : Details

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Ashley's POV

Morning everyone.

I just woke up and saw a shirtless Lucas with a tray of breakfast in his hands. He was smiling as usual.

"You are awake." He said softly.

I replied with an "Hhmm" while rubbing my eyes sleepily. As my eyes fully adjusted, I tried my best to keep them on his face and not on his chest and those perfectly sculpted abs but failed badly.

He gave me a smirk and then grinned "Lets have breakfast."He came into bed next to me and we had eggs and bacon and orange juice.

While eating, I took my time to look around the room. As you enter, you will see a one-sided sofa at one side and a queen-sized bed on the other side with lamp-stools on both the sides. Two rooms for the walk in closet and a bathroom. The best part is the large glass sliding door that covers a whole wall with an inside jacuzzi.

It looked really good

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It looked really good. This hotel has little cottages in water that have a few rooms. We have rented a single one and there is sea water outside the glass doors!

Last night when we came here, I didn't think much of it and we straight went to bed. Now that I am taking a look around, I am awe-struck.

"We are just going to relax today. Spend some time swimming, watching movies in jacuzzi and a lot of chocolate ice-cream." He told me while I was still in a daze.

"You are awesome. Thankyou for everything." I said while hugging him.

His words were true. We for first went out in the sea for swimming and had a lot of fun.

As you can already tell, I didn't get a nightmare when I was with him. He even brought a lot of clothes for me. A night-suit, a swimsuit and two pair of outfits.

We had a lot of fun. Then we came back in after two hours and had lunch in the jacuzzi. We then decided to watch 'After' movie in the LCD. I like Hardin Scott a lot just like Damon Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson. What can I say, Hero, Ian and Joseph have played their roles marvelously. And they all are soo handsome.

My back was against Lucas's chest as I sat in between his legs in the jacuzzi with bubbles everywhere. We were having chocolate ice-cream, popcorn and wine. A weird combination, I know.

After the movie ended, we got out of the jacuzzi cause our skin got wrinkly. We then got into bed in the same position. Me in between his legs and his arms around my stomach with a thin blanket.

Now, we were watching 'After we collided' and then we also watched 'After we fell'. I had a really great time.

Then, we decided to take a walk on the beach. I was really happy and we were holding hands. The ring on my finger was shining under the moonlight along with my necklace. He out of nowhere kissed my hand and i blushed under his intense gaze. I slowly calmed down and we both were laughing and chatting happily all the way back to the hotel. We then had dinner in bed, just like the breakfast and lunch.

Next day, I wore the second outfit he brought for me which was really comfortable. We checked out of the hotel and he dropped me back.

"I hope you had a good time." He said while holding both my hands and leaning against the car.

"I really did, trust me. I had a great time." I told him with a huge smile.

"I don't want you to go. I want to spend some more alone time with you." He told me sadly.

"Me too. But I have to go. And we can go on a date again." I told him.

"See you in class." I smiled, kissed his cheek, and went inside.

As I opened the door and went in the living room, I saw my three best friends looking at me sternly. I raised my eyebrows at Kelly, Julie and James.

"We want details." said Kelly.

"Yeah, tell us everything that happened." said Julie.

"Yo girl, we want all the details. Each and ever single one." James said in a fake girly voice.

We all laughed at him and he laughed on himself.

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