Part 20 : A gangleader

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Lucas's POV

I am feeling a lot of emotions right now, but the main are - rage and anger. How it is taking four men to keep me down so that I won't pounce on Nathaniel to tear him apart.

But all I want to do is burn him alive or ripp his head off of his body or maybe slice his fingers and then his throat.

The two men keeping Ashley away from me will definitely not go out of here alive.

When we were in the corridors, Nathaniel's voice came from the speakers saying that if we don't get to the cafeteria then he will kill Ryder and many innocent people. I could here Ryder's crys in the background.

When we came here, we saw Ryder alongside with Paige, Vanessa, Xavier, Carter and a few other children that belonged to wealthy families tied down.

Xavier and Carter were beaten and both unconscious. Vanessa also had a few bruises but nothing serious. Paige only had a large handprint on her cheek and she was bawling her eyes out and looked rather ugly as her makeup was smug now.

Nathaniel and his men had kidnapped Ryder from the hospital but thankfully, he was unharmed.

Ashley held a blank expression throughout the way while I was fuming and still am.

I roared at Nathaniel "What do you want?!"

He was smirking all the time while I wanted to wipe that look from his face. The look that said that he had won. Jerk. He didn't reply to me and went towards Ashley with a sick smile.

I said again but this time calmly "If you want money, then I can give you that. Leave all these people here."

He replied in a bored tone "Who said that i am here for money or for you? I am here to kill this bitch and you all are just going to be the audience."

His words shocked me and everybody was now frozen. At some point, Xavier and Carter had woken up and now were looking at Nathaniel in surprise.

Ashley flinched a little and a sudden cold and deadly aura started coming from her. I think that the temperature of the room also dropped a few degrees.

Nathaniel continued while playing with his gun "Do you remember Alexander leith? Or mainly Zachary leith?"

A look of realisation flashed in her eyes.

"You do remember." He grinned.

"Now let me tell you something. I am Nathaniel leith, leader of the red snakes gang. Son of the former leader Zachary leith and twin brother of Alexander leith."

I have never heard of that name Or gang before. But he is a gang leader which means that he is dangerous.

Ashley suddenly stood up and cracked a small smile. "And where are your father or brother now ?"

He gritted his teeth and muttered "Dead"

"And now that you are here, this means that your father never told you who I am. Otherwise you wouldn't have taken the risk and come here." She replied coldly.

What the hell is she saying !

How did she know a gang leader and what on earth happened!

"Yeah ! He never told me and I still don't know why he kidnapped you but never killed you. And instead, you killed my brother." He said with venom in his voice.

Ashley's eye twitched a little but her face still remained calm and composed.

"Oh, I remember seeing the life draining out of your brother's eyes after I stabbed him and I also remember the burning flames of the building where his body was and where your father was." She replied with a menacing laugh. Her aura has gotten terrifying now.

She got kidnapped and then she killed her kidnapper. How did she even survive all of that ! Why did she got kidnapped in the first place !

Nathaniel was now livid and he aimed his gun at Ashley who seemed unfazed.

I shouted "No, don't you dare shoot." I struggled to get out of the hold of these people.

He mumbled under his breath "My father will be proud of me after this."

He then said darkly "You should have never gotten out of your shy nerd act if you wanted to live."

Ashley smirked his way and suddenly all the glass of the windows shattered and all his men dropped-dead.

Nathaniel instantly froze and his eyes widened. My eyes widened too as I saw the gun shot wounds on the men as the blood seeped out.

Ashley still remained calm as nothing had happened and I was quick to stand by her side.

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