Part 51 : Demon spawn

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Ashley's POV

After a week at the hospital and a week of house arrest, i was finally free.

But that didn't seem like a good idea at this point as i felt dread creeping up my spine in front of the college building. Kelly urged me in as Max lingered behind.

"Now, what exactly are you going to do about your feelings." Julie carefully expressed her thoughts.

This was the first time in these two weeks that we three were finally engaging in this conversation about a certain someone.

"Nothing really." I feigned ignorance.

"Don't lie, Ashley. We know you still love him. And we'll not be able to help you unless you let us." Kelly voiced out, clearly more concerned than Julie.

I released a short breath.

"Well, i'm going to aggressively ignore that part of me until it goes away." I said calmly.

"Thats definitely not going to work." Julie prompted.

"It will have to." I stubbornly said while they both sighed.

We went towards our lockers and exchanged the books according to the lessons and went into our separate classes. Luckily, i caught up to all the work and lessons missed during the house arrest.

On my way, Carter and Xavier joined me with grins. I was glad because i was feeling like everyone was just watching me and just..... Judging me.... Pitying me. I didn't want that. So, i linked my arms with the both of them with a smile and hurried towards our first lesson.

I excruciatingly survived the lessons without making eye contact with anyone, especially with that certain someone and literally sprinted to get outside to meet up with everyone for lunch. Well, my ribs didn't let me sprint really.

We all got into two cars and Max drove my car to a restaurant. I was in the mood for some real food instead of burgers and all.

Carter, Xavier and Julie were already there, waiting for us at a table. We all sat down and i wilfully made Max sit with us and order something.

Eating peacefully with a light conversation that's not about me was exactly what i needed. Until the devil saw my contentment and sent a demon to ruin my time.

"Look who finally showed up." A screeching voice exclaimed. Almost everybody frowned with me.

"A demon spawn." Xavier muttered under his breath and i mentally agreed.

Paige, her minions, Lucas and surprisingly Vanessa made themselves comfortable among us without permission.

"Now, now, who are they?" Max questioned.

"Oh, hey handsome. I am Paige, the bombshell. These are my friends Vanessa, Tiffany and Brittany and my boyfriend, Lucas." Paige beamed at my bodyguard.

Carter and Xavier groaned while the girls glared at her. Recognition hit Max's eyes as his face hardened. I did not look up from my food.

"So, how are you doing step-sis? After your breakup?" Paige mock-smiled at me.

"Couldn't get any better" I finally looked up with the fakest smile i could produce. I only looked at paige's face, nowhere else.

"I mean looked like you actually loved my boyfriend. So sad the feelings weren't reciprocated." She wiped a fake tear from her eye with a pout.

Vanessa just kept her head down while Brittany and Tiffany giggled at that. All others just ignored her with glares or frowns or just blank faces.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Paige asked particularly no one as almost everybody was glaring at her.

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