Part 43 : Spouting nonsense

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Ashley's POV

I yawned and stretched my muscles. I took my luggage from the security check and went out from the airport. I got in a taxi and I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane was playing.

My recording went smoothly as always and the new album will be released in a month. And i am sure Lucas will be happy to see me back. I just hope he is fine.

I paid the driver and got out with my stuff. As I knocked on the door of his mansion, it opened with something never in my wildest dreams i would have expected. Paige with a flustered look opened the door.

I dropped my bags right there and asked wih a frown "What are you doing here?"

She reacted quickly and said with extra sass "Lucas invited me here."

I heard something shatter inside and a yell came "GET OUT OF HERE YOU BITCH!!"

She instantly got out and said hurriedly "He doesn't like anyone staying after he is done with them." And she winked.

She actually had the audacity to wink at me after saying all that bullshit and after everything she did at the party. Blinded by rage, I grabbed her by her hair and she yelped.

"Don't you dare spout nonsense any further or else you will regret ever being born!" I said darkly and pulled her hair mercilessly.

"Let go of me you crazy-ahh!!" Her sentence ended with a scream as I punched her ugly face and then let her go. She scrambled on the ground for a moment and then ran towards her car. How did I not notice it earlier.

Lucas came out at that moment and tried to grab my bags.

"Stop right there!" I deadpanned.

He stopped and looked over at me with a frown. "Care to explain what she was doing here?" I asked in an angry tone.

He rubbed his face tiredly and my attention automatically went towards his biceps. But I quickly averted my gaze cause this is not the right time for this. I need a logical explanation but nothing is ever logical with that obnoxious and shameful woman.

He was in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. While I was wearing a comfortable black outfit.

He dropped his hands and grabbed my bags again

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He dropped his hands and grabbed my bags again. "Can we please take this inside."

Hanging to my sanity by a little thread, I said "sure." We went in the living room and sat down while I folded my arms over my chest.

"Well?" I prompted.

"I don't know why she came here and I definitely didn't invite her. She just came like, five minutes earlier than you. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not." He said calmly.

I thought about it for a moment. She is smart but uses abominable ways to get what she wants. And we don't know what she is planning or what she wants exactly after the incident at that party.

"Tell me everything from the beginning." I demanded.

"When the first doorbell rang, I thought it was you and I opened the door without checking who it was. Then she literally pushed me and rushed inside." He said.

I interjected in between and said "She probably knew that you wouldn't let her in and that's why she did so."

"Yeah, right! She then went in the kitchen and started looking for something and got out two glasses as I went after her. No idea why she got them out."

I interjected again and said "Probably to make the illusion that you both were drinking together."

He continued explaining further "I was gonna kick her out but then you came and she again rushed to open the door before I could even do anything."

"I don't understand why she is doing any of this! What does she want from us!! First that despicable move at the party and now this! I'm getting a feeling that she is planning something big." I exclaimed loudly and in an exaggerated manner.

"I know you are right but I still hope that you're wrong." He mumbled tiredly as his mood became somber by the mention of the party.

Then I suddenly remembered "And I heard something shatter when I was outside."

"Oh, I broke my whiskey glass and now there is a huge mess in the kitchen." He vocalised his thoughts dramatically and I laughed. And just like that, our mood lightened up again.

"Don't worry about that and by the way, did you miss me?" I asked happily and got up to hug him.

He got up too and went in for a kiss instead. "Naah, I didn't miss you at all."

I broke away from the kiss and said "Oh yeah, then I should probably go back."

His eyes widened and he quickly said "No no, I was just kidding. I missed you a lot." I kissed him again and hugged him tightly.

"By the way, you look really cute." He said after a moment.

"What do you mean? I look hot." I retorted.

"Nope, you sometimes look hot but most of the time, you look cute and I love it. I love you." He said sweetly.

"Whatever, I love you too." I huffed.

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