Part 15 : Party cancelled

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Ashley's POV

It's Thursday today.

Day of the submission of assignment.

I know that I have done great but I am still feeling nervous.

There are only two, wait now there are three things which makes me nervous.

First is when I have to sing in front of a crowd.

Second is before any test or results.

Third is whenever I am close or I should say very close to Lucas.

I have prepared well and I have to stop feeling nervous. I am wearing a white strips top with a dark blue almost black skirt with a denim jacket with a knot. My hair hanging loosely in waves along with my necklace and boots. I went into my car and started driving.

As I reached there, I went to my locker and took a deep breath and slowly released it

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As I reached there, I went to my locker and took a deep breath and slowly released it. I noticed that Lucas, Carter and Xavier were also following me, Carter and Xavier looked exactly nervous like me but Lucas looked calm instead. Well, this particular assignment was a big deal for our overall assessment.

I changed my books and greeted them. They did the same with smiles and we went towards our first lecture room.

My nervousness was only growing and I could feel my hands getting sweaty from how tightly clenched they were.

Lucas took my hands in his just outside the class. He looked in my eyes with gentleness and said "Look, you are going to be fine. You have prepared well. Don't worry and take a deep breath."

I did as he said and a little confidence came in me. I gave him a tight smile which he returned. We both went inside and sat on our usual seats.

Students started piling in and then Nathaniel and Paige came in. Paige as usual in her bright pink revealing clothes and Nathaniel had a band-aid on his forehead. He probably got into a fight with someone. He never made eye contact with any of us and sat on his seat.

Lucas coughed beside me and I looked at him silently asking ' what '. He shook his head as ' nothing '.

Question marks appeared in my head from confusion but then it suddenly clicked. He didn't look at us because lucas beat him up. It's just a wild guess. Never mind.

The teacher then came in with the first bell and started asking questions related to the assignment. I prayed for the last time in my head.


Its lunch time now.

The four of us are sitting outside in a small cafe with all our laptops in our laps.

Waiting anxiously for the results.

Me, Xavier and Carter were rather nervous but Lucas was exceptionally calm which made me even more nervous.

My fingers were crossed since the start of the lunch.

Me and Lucas got black coffee while Carter and Xavier got normal.

Carter's phone dinged indicating that he got a message. He took out his phone from his pocket and groaned seeing the message.

He said "The party got cancelled."

I grinned as I don't like going to parties But the boys frowned.

Then suddenly all of our laptops got notification and our gazes fell on them. A silence fell upon us.

Xavier was the first to break silence "I passed. I got 54." A grin appeared on his face.

Carter followed and said excitedly "Ha! I got 61."

Lucas then said with a calm expression "I got 90."

And both the boys looked at him in shock. My eyes still didn't leave the screen and I took a sip from my cup calmly. The three boys looked at me waiting for my reply.

I leaned back on my chair and said " I got 97."

They widened their eyes and Xavier's jaw dropped. Lucas then smirked and leaned back on his chair. He knew what was going on.

I then said "It's nothing new. I always get these kind of marks."

Carter broke from his trance of shock and asked "Why were you being so nervous then? "

I replied " I was nervous because I didn't want to get less marks. This happens all the time with me. I am always nervous before exams and results even if I am fully prepared."

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