Part 35 : Too fancy

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Ashley's POV

"Just shut up and pick one!" I yelled at the girls in front of me.

"Fine, Go with the golden one. It will look good." Said Kelly as she pointed at a dress in my wardrobe.

"Nah! It's a little too fancy. It's just a dinner." retorted Julie.

"Then go with that purple one." Kelly said again.

"Not at all, its a little lame to wear at a dinner when you are going to meet your boyfriend's parents." Julie retorted again.

Kelly looked deeply offended and said "Are you trying to say that my fashion sense is bad!"

Julie quick added "No, no, that's not what I meant."

And they started bickering again while I frowned. They have been on this from an hour.

All of us present in the house had lunch together after all of them woke up from their hangovers. Lucas then opened all the gifts and he loved them all.

When he opened mine, he was reluctant to take it, saying that he appreciated the gesture but he doesn't want anything expensive. But after I showed him my watch, he was happy and wanted to do twinning. I just laughed at his silliness and decided that i will wear it every day from now on.

I am now getting ready for dinner that we are going to have with his family. Aaron is also going with Kiara.

I just can't decide what to wear and my besties are of zero help. I went outside and spotted James and asked him for help. He as usual agreed and let me say this, he has a great fashion sense.

When he came in with me, both Kelly and Julie looked offended. I just shrugged and told them "You were the ones who couldn't decide." They just mumbled incoherent words.

James instead of looking at dresses, looked at the other side of clothes and took out a black off-shoulder t-shirt and a skirt with knee-length boots.

In the end, I looked good with my hair in light curls, my necklace, ring and watch

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In the end, I looked good with my hair in light curls, my necklace, ring and watch.

Just in time the door bell rang and my friends gave me a thumbs-up as I headed out. Aaron also came out on time.

He was wearing a white T-shirt, grey pants with a blue cotton jacket

He was wearing a white T-shirt, grey pants with a blue cotton jacket

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I asked "I thought you were going to wear your suit."

"I was going to but then kiara called me and strictly told me not to wear one." He replied.

I laughed at his antics and told him "You look good." And he replied with a "You too princess."

Then we both got out and Lucas looked as handsome as ever. He never ceases to amaze me with his masculine beauty and temperament.

He was in a black T-shirt and black pants with a denim jacket.

Kiara then got out of his car and she was also wearing a skirt with a red sweater and knee-length boots

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Kiara then got out of his car and she was also wearing a skirt with a red sweater and knee-length boots.

Lucas complimented me first and then opened the car door for me

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Lucas complimented me first and then opened the car door for me. I got in and Kiara got in in Aaron's car.

I just realised that the car is different from the inside because I was busy staring at him outside. It's a black Mercedes, I have heard that Lucas's mother likes classy and elegant cars, just like me.

He got in after me and started driving. In the middle of our little trip in car, he intertwined our hands and kissed my hand and kept it on my thigh, making me blush. My ring and his watch sparkled when light shone upon them.

After we reached there, I looked up at the restaurant and then looked at my clothes.

"I feel a little underdressed for this." Kiara muttered from behind me.

"Me too." I said.

"I should have worn my suit." Aaron mumbled.

"Nah, you all look good." Lucas said in a way of encouraging us but he was also looking at his outfit with doubt.

Nevertheless, we all went inside the luxurious restaurant and went in the private room. Just as we opened the door, Ryder sprinted towards us and I quickly picked him up while laughing.

"Hello love!" I greeted him.

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