Part 30 : In love

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Ashley's POV

So, after I told them everything, they were squealing like little girls and gaping at the diamond ring on my hand. It was truly beautiful. Not too big, yet classy and unique. Just my type.

Then, the three of us decided to go to college. This is the second time I am using my new car. First time was when it arrived and I went out for a ride. The girls again gaped at my car and complimented me that I have a great taste in everything.

After all, I have always shopped for my clothes on my own, I was also the one who did the interior and exterior designing of my house and chose all the furniture by myself.

I got in the car and started driving. They wanted to go in their own cars today, so I agreed.

Since there are a lot of cars now, I opened the underground car parking of my house. I have never used it before because there was no need at that time, but now there is.

Alan and Aaron were already off to work while James went late because he wanted to meet me.

Weird. Never mind.

We reached school and the three of us parked our cars side to side. All the students were staring at my car like hawks. I just smirked and got out.

Xavier and Carter were already discharged now and were in bandages and their fractured bones in slings. It would take weeks for them to properly heal. Lucas probably picked them up.

"Nice car baby girl." Lucas said as he kissed my cheek. I instantly went red. All of them chuckled which included Xavier, Carter, Lucas, Kelly and Julie.

"Thanks" I replied timidly.

God! What is happening to me. This guy is making me insane. To stop myself from getting more embarrassed, I went straight inside towards my locker while everyone followed behind me still laughing. I also saw Vanessa looking extremely angry from the corner of my eye which brightened my mood even more.

We exchanged books from our lockers and went in our separate classes, although the boys and me had most of the classes together.

By the end of the day, the whole population in college knew that we were dating. We all went home happily.

Just as we entered, Julie said "I am exhausted but you still have a task to do."

Kelly continued "Yeah, the whole college knows that you and Lucas are now dating but your own brother doesn't......... "

"YOU WHAT?" before she could finish her sentence, we heard Aaron yelling. We stared at him wide eyed as he strode down the stairs.

Kelly said "Lucas asked Alan for permission to take you out on a date. We all knew what Aaron's reaction would be like. So we told him that you were out at a friend's for a project."

Oh shit! Julie gave me a thumbs up as good look and they both hurriedly went in the kitchen. I was still unsure about what to do and before I could think, Aaron was already standing in front of me.

"Princess, answer me honestly. Are you dating Lucas? And did you went out with him on A DATE?" His voice grew louder in the end. He is obviously trying to control his anger.

I tried to sound calm, not like how terrified I really was "Yes, but I didn't mean to hide it from you. I thought that you already knew about it." I said quickly before he could interrupt me.

Now, anger was visible on his face "I AM GOING TO KILL HIM." He yelled and started walking out.

My eyes widened on their own accord and I hurriedly hugged him from behind to keep him from going out and probably murdering my boyfriend and said whatever first came in my mind

"No no, you can't do anything to him. I like him a lot and he likes me too. I am sure that he won't hurt me. I didn't even got a nightmare when I slept with him. And you can't do anything to him when I might possibly be in love with him. Promise me you won't hurt him."

He instantly froze after hearing my rambling and I quickly realised what I just said.

Oh god, kill me now !

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