Part 40 : Panicking

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Ashley's POV

On Friday night...

"Ashley, Ashley!" I glanced back and saw Julie running towards me in full speed. She was sweating and panting hard.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly as she gasped for air by all the running.

"No, no, I........ I heard." She was panicking now and making me more worried. So, I grabbed her arms and tried to stop her shaking body.

"Look, calm down and slowly tell me what you heard." I told her in a soothing way as my voice came out a little more gentle than usual.

"Yeah.... Ok, I was at the grocery store for some chocolates just now and i heard Paige and her friends talking. They were also there buying something but Paige is planning something bad. Really bad." She said all that in just one breathe. And i am the one panicking now.

"What are you....... What did you heard!?" I asked her hurriedly.

"Don't panic, okay, we still have time. We can fix this." She said.

"Fix what, Julie!?" I practically shouted at her.

"So, you know about today's party at Tessa's. The boys are going there."

Yeah, I know about it. There is always a party going on Friday nights. It's nothing new. Lucas wanted me to go with him but i refused because, us girls were going to have a 'Girls night'. But we both went on a movie date on Tuesday and had a lot of fun there.... Okay, Focus.

"Yeah, I know about it." I said.

"Well, Paige is going to spike Lucas's drink and.... and..... try to sleep with him." She almost choked out the words.

At that, I felt my blood run cold. Like all the ice from Antarctica has penetrated in by body and i felt a chill run down my spine.

"Who..... What?" I croaked out breathlessly.

"Don't worry, we can still fix this. The party just started an hour ago. But we have to go now." Julie said.

Yea.... Yeah. She is right. We can still fix this. I have to fix this. We have to go now if i want to stop this chaos. But my body felt numb and i can't seem to move my legs. My mind is becoming a dangerous place by thinking about all the wrong possibilities which can probably ruin my life. This just cannot happen. Lucas is my boyfriend, I love him and he loves me. This just can't happen.

I don't know how I got in the car or how Kelly also got in looking just as anxious as Julie and I don't know how we reached there But by the time we stepped in, I got my strength and mind back. That was probably a moment of vulnerability.

I was definitely not ready for party, wearing a white crop top and pajama with a long shirt on. The girls in some similar clothes.

Like a typical party, you could hear the music blaring loudly and disco lights probably on each and every corner of the house with alcohol flowing

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Like a typical party, you could hear the music blaring loudly and disco lights probably on each and every corner of the house with alcohol flowing. What are they even doing, they are not teenagers anymore. How mature!

From the corner of my eye, I saw Carter and Emily dancing on the dance floor. I quickly went towards them with the girls on my tail.

They weren't drunk yet, just tipsy. As I explained them everything, they instantly sobered up. They said that Lucas was already very drunk after a few drinks which was really unusual but they brushed it off. And that he went to the bathroom like half an hour ago. That was when we left our house.

Now, they are officially panicking with us as we can't see him in here. So, we all decided to split up to find him. And the worst part is, I can't seem to find Paige either.

My heart is beating abnormally faster. Just thinking about what could happen is sending me on the verge of a panic attack but i keep resisting it. Because I know that there is still a little bit of hope left. Because I know that I have to find the man I love.

For God's sake, he is 24, not a 17 year old teen. Why does he even have to go to a party!

I feel like crying! Even if he is intoxicated, he should be able to identify Paige, Right!

When I couldn't find them anywhere, I decided to to look up at the rooms. On the stairs, I heard a door closing and laughter of some girls which sounded more familiar than I wanted it to be. Just that sound almost broke my heart. Almost.

As I reached the top stair, I saw Brittany, Tiffany and Paige. Paige looked every bit of disheveled and was fixing her dress. And her hair, her hair was also a mess.

Paige's dress ⬆️

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Paige's dress ⬆

Oh, oh no! No, no no no no no no no, This can't be happening. I can't believe this. I don't believe this.

"Oh, Hi Ashley!" Paige exclaimed happily. The opposite of all the emotions I am feeling right now.

"Come here, I have to tell you something." She said. Reluctantly, I moved my legs which suddenly felt really heavy. I only went two steps ahead.

"You know, I had a great time in there." She said while pointing towards the door next to her and I felt tears in my eyes.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief and joy as she smiled and continued "Go, have a look inside and see how loving your boyfriend can get."

And with that single sentence, my heart shattered into million pieces. The pieces of my heart that had almost healed, fell apart and spread altogether.

I slowly went inside, dragging my heavy legs and broken heart with me. I saw Lucas's clothes first on the ground and then him lying on the bed under the sheets, fast asleep....... And naked.

I slowly slid down the wall opposite to the bed where he was lying and the tears freely fell down my face. Sobs broke through me and my body started shuddering along with my sobs.

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