Part 19 : Empty gun

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Ashley's POV

Blood was oozing out of his face and he was clearly pissed by the way he was clenching and unclenching his fists. He made a swift move and punched me in my stomach after throwing a punch on my face which I dodged.

I doubled over in pain but took my stance back like it was nothing. He threw a punch again but i was faster and kicked his gut and he fell on the ground in pain.

Jesus ! He only threw punches which was really stupid. I again kicked twice and he was knocked out for good. I was fine but my kicks were hard.

I looked over and saw that Lucas was on top of the other man and throwing punches repeatedly!

I quickly held his arm otherwise that man would die and he stopped after seeing me. The man was also unconscious. Lucas looked past me and saw the man I knocked out and he got a satisfied and proud look on his face.

I asked him "Are you okay? "

He replied "Yeah, I am fine. You? "

"Me too" I said with a smile. He smiled back.

I looked around in confusion and surely, Xavier and Carter have wandered off to somewhere.

I picked up a gun and saw that it was empty. They really are morons. Lucas chuckled looking at my reaction. I was frowning and we started moving in the hallways.

When we turned the corner, we saw that all the glass windows were shattered and there was blood on the floor. I was really anxious but my face showed no emotion.

We were on the ground floor and this is probably from where they came in. We then went upstairs, me following behind Lucas and as we turned the corner, we saw two more men coming our way and i mentally groaned.

The first one launched himself at Lucas and i am sure he can handle him while I deal with the other guy as all the children from wealthy families are trained in martial arts, manners and etiquettes and many more things since childhood.

He came forward and i threw a punch which he dodged and punched me in my face and i could already taste the metallic blood in my mouth with slight pain.

I reacted quickly this time as my instincts to protect myself kicked in. He threw a punch my way which I swiftly dodged and he again threw a kick while I backed away.

I punched his jaw and heard a satisfying crack. I threw a punch again but he caught both of my wrists. He is obviously a better fighter than the previous one but not better than me.

He pinned me the to the wall with my hands above my head and he slapped me and said "Women can never win from a man."

I felt a sting on my left cheek and can already tell that I have busted lip. I then got a hold of his arm and twisted it painfully and got on his back side, kicking the back of his knee in the process.

He fell down but got again wincing and limping in the process. That injury might stay permanent. I was feeling angry by what he said and from the hits he got on me but still seemingly calm and gave him a round house kick on the face and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Lucas has also knocked out the other man and i could see a bruise forming on his collarbone. I wiped away the blood from my face and he embraced me in his arms and I instantly felt safe and calm.

Right now, I just want to snuggle up with him in a blanket and never leave his arms. And I think his thoughts were the same as to how he has buried his face in my neck between my hair.

Suddenly, someone's loud and clear voice came blaring through the speakers which I instantly recognised as Nathaniel.

And his words shocked me to the core. Sweat started forming on my forehead and I was filled with dread. My face probably looked as pale as a ghost. Lucas's expressions mirrored mine.

This is just getting worse !

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