Part 16 : Love rival

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Ashley's POV

A waiter came over which broke Xavier too from his state of shock. The waiter looked in his mid twenties. He wasn't the one who took our orders before.

He took the boys empty glasses and looked at me and winked. Lucas instantly glared at him while I smirked.

Xavier then said with a smirk "My sister is coming back to live with me. She will be here on Monday. "Carter and Lucas groaned. I was looking at them cluelessly.

Xavier chuckled and explained "Her name is Vanessa and she is also in senior year because she skipped a grade. She looks opposite of me as I got my features from our dad while she got from our mom. She is.... "

Carter stopped him and said "Cut the crap, Xavier." Lucas looked bored but i completely ignored him as it was something related to him.

Xavier continued "She has been crushing on Lucas ever since she first met him and is very clingy with him."

That's when I spitted my coffee out straight on Xavier's face and started coughing. Carter burst out laughing and Lucas stood up immediately and started patting my back with a cheeky smile.

Xavier wiped his face and my coughs also died down. "She is what ?" I asked.

Xavier replied grumpily "I said that she has a crush on Lucas."

My eyes widened and the three boys chuckled seeing my reaction. I quick got my senses back and my cheeks started burning.

I have never encountered this kind of situation before because I never had feelings for any one and now I was feeling jealousy surging in my heart.

We went out as the lunch time was over and went inside the college building again.

My day went with me over thinking about Vanessa and Lucas. How Lucas groaned after listening to this news, he clearly doesn't like her back. This thing kept me relieved and i went home.

Friday, saturday and sunday went with me thinking about Vanessa and staying in dreamland which is a mess with my thoughts But the day at the hospital was as always amazing and Ryder has gotten much better now.

Now, it is Monday and i have been dreading this day. I wore a cute dark blue dress with floral prints. It came upto my mid thighs. I wore black flats and my hair in light curls on the bottom.

Over all, I looked pretty

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Over all, I looked pretty. Then, I had breakfast and made my way towards my car. When I reached school, I parked my car at my usual spot next to Lucas's car and went out.

The boys were leaning against the wall with their usual cold expressions which turned into smiles as they saw me. I also smiled and walked upto them.

I stood between Carter and Lucas while Xavier is on the other side of Lucas. We all have gotten really close and they are practically my best friends. We know each other pretty well now.

Lucas whispered in my ear "You look really pretty."

His face was really close to mine and i blushed. I was about to reply but a loud horn broke our moment and it was a rose gold Lamborghini aventedor.

Lucas and Carter instantly frowned and I had conflicted feelings but my face was expressionless. Nobody could tell what I was feeling.

The car parked next to mine and Xavier walked upto the car.

Got out a really pretty girl but thankfully not as pretty as me. Red hair, hazel eyes and a little shorter than me. Probably 5.5ft. She was wearing a beige white dress like mine which had blue roses printed on it.

I was getting a bad feeling because of her as she was wearing a bright smile and walking towards us

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I was getting a bad feeling because of her as she was wearing a bright smile and walking towards us.

She jumped onto Lucas and he had to hold her otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

Oh no! I am angry.

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