Part 44 : Met you before

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Flashback time......

"Mom, dad, do we really have to go?" 5-year-old Ashley asked her parents from the backseat of the car. Sitting in between her two elder brothers.

"Yes princess, we have to go." She slumped back down after hearing her father's reply.

"And why are you upset, sweetheart?" Her mother asked with a smile.

"Kelly and Julie were going to come over for a sleepover. And when are we going back to London?" Ashley asked again.

"We will go back the day after tomorrow. Kelly and Julie wouldn't have been able to come anyway, they are having fever." Her mom said gently.

Ashley gasped after hearing that and mumbled "I hope they get well soon." Her parents smiled at her.

And then her father announced "We are here." They all got out from the car. Aaron helped little Ashley with her dress while she grumbled about it. She wanted to wear clothes like her brothers.

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"So children, we are here for the yearly ball

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"So children, we are here for the yearly ball. You might meet some new friends here but you all have to stay in our line of sight." Their father said sternly but still softly and the three siblings nodded.

They all went inside, down the long staircase where light music was being played and everything was brightly lit. There was a big round table in the middle and small tables on the sides.

Ashley's gaze instantly went towards the food and she tugged at her brothers suit. Aaron looked down at her, followed her gaze and laughed quietly.

"Babies, go ahead and get something to eat. Then sit down somewhere and don't cause any trouble." Their mother instructed and they nodded eagerly. On their way, a small commotion caught their attention and they stopped to watch.

"Is that a clown?" Ashley askes perplexed.

"Wha-Where?" Alan asked, looking around.

"The one in the fluffy dress!" She exclaimed and Aaron facepalmed.

"No, she is a girl, with a lot of makeup." Aaron tried to explain.

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