Part 34 : Minimum damage

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Ashley's POV

"This is the best way to wake up." Lucas said as I kissed his cheek.

He still hasn't opened his eyes and one of his arm is draped on my waist. My head is resting on my hand while my elbow is popped up on the pillow.

"Happy birthday Lucas" I smiled at him. He just hummed in response but made no sign of moving.

"You are 24 years old now." I said again brightly. He hummed again.

"Get up and brush your teeth." I pushed his arm off of me and he groaned in protest.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, had a bath and changed back into my night clothes. When, I got out, Lucas was resting his head against the headboard and was half asleep.

I sighed and practically shouted "GET UP and brush you teeth. I will bring breakfast here."

He woke up with a jolt and winced, his hands going on his head.

"How are you not hungover?" He muttered.

I shrugged and said "It comes in genes from my father's family. My grandfather also have the same condition. We never have to suffer from hangovers."

His eye twitched a little but his expression became one of pain.

"You shouldn't have drank too much." I told him worriedly. He just nodded slightly.

I still remember how much we all had drank yesterday after our fight. We didn't want to cause any trouble, so we tried to cause minimum damage to those girls. Although Paige had a broken wrist, bruised ribs and feet and bruises here and there. She had it coming and honestly, she deserves so much worse after everything she has done to me.

I knew this because of Kelly. She is studying to be a surgeon and Julie to become a fashion designer. After all that, we dismissed them and sent them to the hospital. And then the actual fun started.

We all played a lot of games which included a lot of alcohol. But the most intense was the Never have I ever with Tequila. I found out a lot of things about Lucas because of that.

That he is still a Virgin and haven't had his first kiss yet just like me. But all of our friends have already lost it a long time ago.

And when we both talked about it after that, I found out that he has the same morals like me. That he wants to save all his firsts, precious moments for someone special, that he will probably marry in the future. And that he won't cross the boundaries until he is married.

I still don't know how people made rumors of him being a bad boy when he is such a nice man.

I was delighted to hear that he had his first date with me and I could be that person that he would want spend his rest of the life with. But also a little afraid and disappointed that it can change at any moment and that he wouldn't want me after a point. But i dismissed those thoughts and decided to savour the moment.

After the games, we all danced a lot too. Over all, all of us drank a lot and Alan and Julie gets the worst hangovers and they would be grumpy all day.

Back from the land of thoughts, I went in the kitchen and made breakfast for the two of us.

Aaron, Alan, Kelly, Julie, Xavier, Carter, Vanessa and Emily decided to crash here. Too drunk to drive. Aaron in Kiara's room with her, Alan and Kelly sharing a room, Carter and Emily in a room, Xavier and Vanessa in a room and Julie on the living room couch.

They all won't wake up until lunch. The house was already cleaned by the cleaners booked by Lucas.

I took the tray of breakfast and went back in the room. He was already cleaned up but hasn't changed. I just gave him a pill for the headache and he mumbled a thanks. His eyes lit up after seeing the breakfast tray

"I thought you don't like pancakes." He asked.

"I don't but that doesn't mean I don't know how to make them." I said sassily as he took the plate of pancakes and I took the waffles.

He just laughed in response and took a bite and then said "Delicious"

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