Part 12 : Nice shot

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Ashley's POV

Lucas and Nathaniel stood in front of each other. The coach tossed a coin and it was heads, which Lucas chose.

Lucas chose me first and I was glad that I was not in Nathaniel's team. He gave me a reassuring smile which I returned. It then went like

Owen - Xavier

Cole - Carter and on and on.

In the end Lucas, me, Xavier, Carter and a bunch of students were on our team while Nathaniel, Paige, Brittany, Tiffany and the remaining were on their team.

We stood on our sides and the game begun. As Lucas was taller, he got the ball and shot it towards a boy. He quickly dodged and the ball hit the girl behind him on her side. Nathaniel took the ball and threw it at a girl who got hit and out.

The game went on like this. Some people dodged while some people got hit.

In the end, Lucas, me, Xavier and Carter were left on our team. Nathaniel, Paige, Owen and Cole were left on their team.

Owen threw the ball at Xavier who wasn't fast enough and got hit. Same goes on with Carter, Owen and Cole.

Now, Lucas, Nathaniel, Paige and me were left. Lucas got the ball and he threw it at Nathaniel and hitted his shoulder. He again looked pissed. Lucas smiled down at me.

Paige saw his distraction as an advantage and threw the ball at him. He got hit on his leg.

There was a good silence for a minute and suddenly, the crowd started cheering for Paige. She was smirking and then started laughing towards the crowd. Lucas went out of the field.

Paige and I were only left. Paige was distracted towards the crowd. I winked at Lucas with a smile and he returned a smirk.

I quickly threw the ball at her and it hitted her face. I used her tactics on her. Her face was priceless. Lucas whistled and All of us burst out laughing.

It was seriously hilarious.

The coach started clapping alongside the others and said "Nice shot Ashley."

I replied with a salute "Thanks coach"

Lucas came up to me and kissed my cheek. I instantly blushed and he smiled and left to change.

Rest of the day went really good. I went home and took some rest and then completed my homework.

Then I went to gym. What! How do you think I keep myself fit? I go there twice or thrice a week. All the workout keeps me in a good shape.

After that, I went home, had dinner and slept peacefully.


Beep beep beep..............

Ugh...... I will personally kill the person who made this stupid thing called alarm clock.

I woke up and did my morning routine. I wore a pink sleeveless sweater crop top with white shorts and a beige jacket top. Got my sneakers and had breakfast.

Yesterday, Lucas told me that he will pick me up and I agreed

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Yesterday, Lucas told me that he will pick me up and I agreed. He should be here any minute now.

Ding Ding....

He is here! I quickly went out and opened the door. He was looking really hot as usual in his all black attire. I smiled but made a confused face as I didn't see his car.

I asked "Where is your car?"

He smirked and said "Just come with me."

I went outside and saw a bike. I was stunned but a huge smile appeared on my face. I started jumping up and down, squealing like a little girl .

I asked "Are we going to go on this? "

He said while smiling "Yeah"

I asked again "Can I ride it? It's been a long time since I have rode a bike."

He looked amused. Then chuckled "I never thought you knew how to ride a bike. But no"

I pouted. He hoped on his bike and I followed. I hugged him tightly and I felt him smile. I also smiled and just like that, we were off on the road in no time.

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