Part 4 : She is an angel

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Ashley's POV

The rest of the week went pretty smoothly except for some bumping into Paige and little eye contacts between me and Lucas.

Today is Saturday and I am as always, excited to meet all the children at the hospital. I was just getting ready to go there. I wore a black and white dress with black flats and my hair hanging loosely as usual. Then, I went out towards my car, a black tesla. I have more cars and please don't ask how. But this is the cheapest car I have, it's not the cheapest as it is customized and a limited edition matte but most people don't know about it. I also have a same bugatti Divo like Lucas but my other cars are not in California. Everybody in college thinks of me as a poor nerd, so I can't bring my car in there.

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On my way, I bought a lot of donuts for children

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On my way, I bought a lot of donuts for children. When I reached the hospital, I parked my car and went inside. When the receptionist saw me, she smiled as usual and I returned it.

I went in the kids cancer ward straight and cheers erupted in the room as they saw me. I just giggled and started talking with everyone. I have been coming here from past year and sometimes also with my guitar and I remember all of their names. Then I noticed that Ryder isn't here. He is the oldest one here. I then stopped a nurse passing by and asked her about Ryder. The nurse told me that he was shifted to VIP ward and she also led me there.

As I opened the door, I saw him colouring in his colouring book. Then, he looked up and a huge smile blossomed on his face which instantly made me smile.

I called him "Hi love, how are you feeling today? "

He replied with a grin "I feel totally fine angel. Please take me to the other children so that we all can sing together."

I just giggled at his eagerness and picked him up and went out to the play area where other children were already sitting. I also sat down with rider on my lap.

Then a girl name Mindy said "Angel, you look really pretty today."

Then a boy named Erick also said "Yeah, you always look very pretty."

I awed and said "Thank you munchkins, you all also look gorgeous and all of you look really healthy."

They all giggled and a girl named Kacy said "Can you sing 'Let it go' today?" She asked with her big cute eyes.

I was just about to die from all the overloaded cuteness. Then, I said "offcourse, but you all have to sing with me."

All of them agreed to me and we all started singing the song from frozen. They all looked really happy. We finished the song and everyone started laughing. I them quieted them down and told them "Ok, listen kiddos. I brought donuts for all of you."

They all started cheering again. I distributed the donuts among them all and they ate it happily. Then, we all went to bedroom and I tucked them all in their beds with good night kisses on forehead and went out. There was a nurse standing out, I just told her to wait for a min and I took Ryder to tuck him in his bed. I kissed him too on the forehead and went out. At the door, I saw Lucas glaring at me. I was shocked to see him here but quickly came back to my senses.

He asked while still glaring "what are you doing here?"

Before I could answer, the nurse from before comes up to him and greets him. He asks her this time while his eyes still glued to me "who is she and what is she doing here?"

The nurse looked surprised and said "You don't know her! Well, she is Ashley and she comes here every week to play with the children. Everyone in the hospital knows her as Angel as all the children calls her that. Because of her, condition of these children always seems to improve."

After this, Lucas looked completed shocked and looks at me in surprise. He looked me up and down but not in a bad way and said "You are the Angel! You are the one my brother always talks about!"

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