Part 52 : Thanksgiving

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Ashley's POV

"Everything is normal. It was just a minor hit. But here's a suggestion, don't go to college if you wanna heal properly." The doctor said as he read some of my reports and documents.

I nodded and got up to take my leave.

After that little episode with Paige, Kelly made sure that my parents knew about it and they made sure that i got it checked up immediately.

Mom and dad trailed behind me, whispering to each other about i don't know what. They have always been like this. They never force any of their decisions on me and let me lead the path of my life by myself.

Surely they have heard the doctor, but they will leave it upon me to make the decision whether i want to go to college or not.

"Don't worry. I am not interested in going back to that place any time soon." I looked back and said tiredly.

They smiled at me and their was some sort of warmth in their eyes as usual that always comforted me in every situation.

"Well, we were thinking about going to New York for a while to spend some time with Aaron and Kiara. We were hoping you could come with us and........ spend thanksgiving with us." Mom said passionately and affectionately.

"Only for some time and you can come back whenever you want. We will let the college authorities know about your leave and maybe you could....... work on some songs in the studio perhaps." Dad added sheepishly.

I laughed at them, at their way of convincing me.

"Of course i would go. I think that's exactly what i need to clear my head." I replied as an actual smile graced my face after a long time.

They heaved their sighs of relief and we went out and got in the car.

As we reached home, i saw Julie coming out in her not so summer clothes. I think she has finally accepted the fact that winter is approaching, probably because Kelly caught a cold last night.

I started wearing warm clothes since i was released from the hospital

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I started wearing warm clothes since i was released from the hospital. And i have been wearing loose clothes so to not put pressure on my waist.

"Ashley, i was thinking about going shopping

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"Ashley, i was thinking about going shopping. Wanna come?" Julie asked me gallantly.

"Sure." I replied in the same tone, trying to imitate her happy mood.

Mom and dad went inside and Julie got in the driver's seat. We drove up to the mall with Taylor Swift blasting in the radio and we both singing along.

After going in and out of a few shops and a couple stuff bought, we went to get some food in our starving stomachs. While i was having my burger, i saw Lucas and Vanessa coming out of a store through the glass wall beside our table.

Lucas was engrossed in his phone and Vanessa was looking through one of her bags. But what got me was the close proximity they were in.

And just like that, i lost my appetite and the energy that was required to pretend that i was happy.

And i am pretty sure Julie noticed the sudden shift in my mood but didn't comment on it.

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