Part 45 : Hot chocolate

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Ashley's POV

I didn't expect that the first thing coming out of my mouth after entering the college building would be this.

"What happened to your hair?" I asked Julie who looked very similar to Billie Eilish.

"It was a bet." She grumbled out.

"Why would you-" I was cut of by her harsh words.

"I don't want to talk about it!" She almost yelled but took a deep breath and went on her own way.

I stood at my spot for a moment, confused and amused at the same time. Then I saw Xavier looking at her walking away, he was smirking.

Well, none of my business.

I went inside, chatting with Kelly as we haven't talked to each other in like forever, Lucas right behind me. We then separated and went in our different classes.

Lucas didn't leave me in any of the classes which made me a little giddy. I could surely understand his intentions. He just didn't want to be with anyone else and definitely not around that fake barbie, Paige.

But we decided to go out separately for lunch because we both needed to catch up with our friends. He was reluctant at first but then Carter and Xavier made him agree.

Julie and Kelly had been going to a little restaurant a little far away from campus when I wasn't present just because they have amazing hot chocolate. We sat down there on a table at the corner and i told them what had happened all this week while they did the same.

But Julie still didn't tell us why she got her hair that green shade. And honestly, it looked good on her.

I still don't know how they always wear somewhat similar clothes. And I am seriously not gonna ask. This is what Kelly and Juliana were wearing.

This is what I was wearing

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This is what I was wearing.

We all ordered cheeseburgers with hot chocolate and then started chatting again

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We all ordered cheeseburgers with hot chocolate and then started chatting again. And then Julie's face turned sour as she looked up, behind me. She sighed in frustration while I heard a throat clearing.

Then, the fake barbie herself sat down in front of me, next to Julie who looked beyond annoyed. Me and Kelly just stared at her for a moment, making sure she was actually here and not just a fragment of our imagination. But then she tapped at the table to get our attention and i shot her with a sharp look.

"Hello girls, it's been a while." She actually smiled which made us raise our eyebrows at her.

"What do you want?" Kelly scrutinized at her. Obviously, she doesn't deserve any pleasantries.

"I am perfectly fine and how about you all." She continued with her act of kindness, ignoring our annoyance.

"Cut the crap, Paige. Why are you here? I thought our last meeting was enough to make you understand a simple thing that i can't stand you." I said calmly as menace coated my each word.

"Ok ok, no need to get upset on your own. Aren't I already here for that job!" She lightly chuckled at her own crap.

I rolled my eyes unhappily at her. She continued "Anyways, my job starts. I want to show you something."

"We don't want to see it." Julie rejected her straight away. I nodded at her.

"Well, i'm pretty sure you'd like to see what I'm about to show you. Ashley here definitely would." She estimated.

I wanted to cut her tongue and shove it down her throat. But thats not at all what i did. Instead, I told her to go ahead and show us whatever she had brought.

I just simply got curious about her sudden appearance here. Everything is muddled with her visits, she comes anywhere she wants and at the most coincidental and randome places, which causes the most trouble.

After what she did at the party, getting a better understanding of her motives is kind of a must. People like her are fools but still cunning. Underestimating her would be a big mistake on my part.

She then took out some pictures from her bag and laid them out on the table with a mysterious big grin. She honestly looked sick with that look adding on to her makeup.

But the pieces of paper in front of me instantly had my full attention. And i just couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. I thought for a moment that my mind was playing tricks with me but when I scanned a picture up closely, my eyes started tearing up.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took some deep breaths to calm myself and think clearly about this situation. And then, I focused back on the pictures of Lucas and Paige having a great time together.

Kelly and Julie were also looking at the pictures with wide eyes. And then they both looked at me with disappointment which was actually directed towards Lucas.

Oh, the love of my life. How could he do this.

Julie abruptly stood up and hauled Paige up with her. She started dragging her out of the restaurant.

Paige yelled back at me "Now, you should probably leave him for me!" And then her laughter rang in my ears. Julie came back a minute later while I rested my head in my hands.

There were a dozen pictures or so. In some, they were smiling and holding hands, in some they were laughing at each other while in a few of them, Paige was kissing his cheeks or pulling at them.

"Look, there must be something in this. He couldn't have actually done this!" Kelly exclaimed nervously.

But i just couldn't understand what she had said. My mind a little too messed up for that. And our hot chocolate was left on the table, untouched, just like that.

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