Part 49 : Doesn't matter

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Ashley's POV

In the last two days since I woke up, this was like the seventy fourth time someone had knocked on the doors of the private room. Always asking if I needed something and these knocks has caused more headache than anything else.

"Go away, I don't need anything and i don't wanna talk." I shouted loudly.

But the door still opened and someone still walked in. I did not turn around from my resting position that looked out of the window until I heard someone clear their throat.

It couldn't be, could it!?

Immediately after hearing that sound, I looked towards the source of that voice and my eyes widened own their own accord.

With a half smile, Myles Atkinson was standing there with his hands in his pockets of his pants.

"Who's that man standing outside?" He asked with a side glance towards the door.

"He's Maximilian, my personal bodyguard." Still a little surprised, I replied.

I had asked for secrets guards but Aaron had also sent our most trained man to be my personal guard. He was also my guard back when I was first rescued after that incident.

"Hmm, that's nice. You've finally taken that really needed step. I see." He commented.

"What are you doing here? Does anyone even know that you are here?" I asked with caution laced in voice, trying very hard to hide my excitement.

He then got a full blown smile. "What's the fun in meeting you with your brothers as walls between you and me!?"

I laughed at that, "No really, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to meet you." He said softly after coming around to sit on the stool beside my bed.

I tried to sit up a little but pain shot through my ribs and i instantly stilled with a hiss. Myles immediately came by my side and helped me sit up.

"Hey, hey. It's ok. There you go." He murmured.

"Just to meet me! Don't you have like a huge company to run?" Despite feeling the pain, I continued our conversation.

The nurse will be here soon with my pain killers and it's been a long time since I have seen and talked with a new face.

"My favorite person is in the hospital. The company can certainly wait." He said.

"I don't think it works like that."

"I run the company, sweetheart. So it does." This was his smart reply.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and chuckled. He tilted his head a little and looked at me weirdly.

"What?!" I asked, feeling defensive.

He contemplated for a moment and said "Something's made your eyes go cold......... What happened?"

My smiled turned awkward at that and I avoided his eyes. "Nothing happened, everything's fine. Just some trivial matters."

"If you don't want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don't just lie and say it's fine." He said with a sigh.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I felt tears gather in my eyes. Maybe if I talk to him openly, I would feel better. Maybe he would be able to find an effective solution that could actually help.

So, I told him everything that has happened. How I met Lucas for the first time. How Paige schemed against us...... against me. About Vanessa and the shooting and Nathaniel and just....... Everything.

Simply just narrating everything made me feel so overwhelmed that I had started weeping.

"Shh.... It's okay now. I'm here, everything will work out." He tried to comfort me with soothing words and i stopped crying, eventually.

He then asked me a question that he seemed to be holding back.

"Did you really love him?!"

"Yes, I do." I said firmly. Pathetically.

"How much?" He asked curiously, probably thinking about how I took a dagger for him.

"It doesn't matter." I said tiredly.

"Why does it not?" He probed further.

"It wasn't enough to make him stay."

"Bullshit, either he doesn't deserve your love and is a fool or it was his love for you that made him take a step back." He reasoned calmly.

His words had a way too deep meaning. In our world, occasionally some situations occur where there are a lot of things a person has to take into consideration before making any decision. Too many risks, so many lives at stake and very little chance to survive.

Even thinking rationally becomes difficult at some points and at those points, we feel like the most ridiculous decisions are our only chances of survival.

The biggest example: When I left my family.

But what could be the reason behind Lucas's sudden behavior?

Myles' words stirred the feelings of suspicion inside me again. The ones I had felt when I thought Lucas was lying about everything he was saying. He must have had a distinct resolution that day that he needed to accomplish.

So, he wants me to stay away from him.

He wants me to hate him.

I think I can play pretend for a while, again.

I looked towards Myles again who looked bored out of his mind.

"Thank Jesus, you're back from your dreamland." He remarked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes again and nodded slowly.

"Hows' becca?" I asked about my best friend.

"She is absolutely fine and is getting married soon." He smiled, thinking about his sister.

"What! Really?!?" I was really surprised and a little upset.

"But she also said that she won't get married until you are with her." He stated proudly after sensing my sudden somber mood.

I smiled at the thought. We will meet soon. At that exact moment, the nurse came in with my medicines and Myles stood up to make way for her.

"I should be leaving now." He began.

"When will i see you again?" I enquired sheepishly.

"Soon sweetheart, we'll meet again soon." He kissed my forehead with brotherly affection and sauntered out.

I sighed after he left. Exhaustion was taking over my senses but i knew that it was going to be a sleepless night after everything we talked about.

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