Part 36 : Double amount

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Aaron's POV

Ashley was smiling widely just like Ryder.

"I missed you angel. " The little guy said.

"Aww... I missed you too." She replied.

He then jumped in Lucas's arms and hugged him.

"Happy birthday bubba." He told him cheerfully.

"Thanks buddy." Lucas replied while grinning.

Lucas is a good man. He is not like how his reputation seemed. And definitely not like the rumors made about him. He is a good one for my sister. He definitely matches her standards.

"What are you thinking?" Kiara whispered in my ear.

"I am thinking that your brother is nice but if he breaks my sister's heart, I will break his bones. And completely ruin him." I whispered back.

She laughed at my possesiveness and replied "Don't worry! He won't but if he does, you have my permission."

"Hmm..... I love you." I told her with a gentle smile which is only for her.

"I love you too." She replied with the same smile.

Then a female voice reached us "Are you all just going to stand there or come here."

Kiara immediately ran inside "Mom! Dad! Long time no see." She was in San Francisco on a shoot before coming here while her parents in Texas.

"Oh my daughter, you look so good." Her mother, Mrs. Kingsley replied.

I walked towards her and respectfully said "Mrs. Kingsley, I am Aaron, Kiara's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you and Mr. Kingsley."

"Oh hush, call me Maria and it's good to meet you too." She smiled brightly and hugged me.

She is a kind woman, just like how my mom described her. After all, both women were best friends at a time.

"Mom" Lucas stepped forward and hugged her.

"Happy birthday Lucas" He thanked her and hugged his father too.

"Happy birthday son." These are the first words coming out of his mouth ever since we stepped in.

"Thanks dad." Lucas replied.

Then, Ashley stepped forward and introduced herself. Same round of pleasantries went on. We all settled down and ordered something and a soft conversation broke out on our table as how me and Kiara met and how Lucas and Ashley met until our food arrived.

I must say that Kiara is a carbon copy of her mother and Lucas of his father. In our family, me and Alan look like our mom while Ashley looks like our dad.

A silence fell upon us as we started eating. In the middle of our eating, Mason Kingsley put down his knife and fork and folded his hands on top of the table.

He asked me "So Aaron, what do you do for work."

I quickly swallowed my food while Kiara and Ashley giggled and Lucas smirked.

"Right now, I help my father in our family business." I answered.

He hummed in response and asked again " What kind of family business."

I lied smoothly "Parker corporation"

He sighed and mumbled quietly but we all heard it "Never heard of it."

Offcourse you never heard of it because it doesn't exist. I wanted to say but held myself back.

He then cleared his throat and turned towards Ashley "You are pretty and have good manners."

She replied nervously "Umm... Thank you, Mr. Kingsley."

He then said "Please call me Mason and may I know where you got that ring from?"

She looked at the diamond ring and responded with a smile "Lucas gave it to me as a promise ring on a date."

He again hummed and mumbled like we didn't hear it "Looks like you got that watch and necklace from him too."

Ashley narrowed her eyes slightly, but before I could say anything, Lucas retorted fiercely "No dad, that necklace is her family heirloom and I never gave her that watch. She even gave me this rolex as a present yesterday. And if I give gifts to my girlfriend, that's my choice and none of your business."

He showed them his wrist. Me, Ashley and Kiara looked at him gratefully and with slight approval.

"Okay, since you didn't get the message, let me ask you both clearly. What are your intentions towards our family? If you are after our money, then say an amount and I will give you the double now, just leave my children." He said arrogantly.

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