Part 42 : Need you

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Ashley's POV

"Well, can't it wait for a few more days! I already told you that there are some issues I have to deal with!"

I yelled harshly at the phone and took a deep breath. From the past 15 minutes, I have been trying to explain to these morons that i can't come but their brains are as small as their dicks!

Ok, Calm down! Watch your language.

"Sorry mam but we have already delayed a lot on your behalf. You have to come here by tonight's flight. We will send you the details." Totally frustrated by me, the person on the other side hung up after that.

Seriously! This is soo disturbing!!

In the past, I would have loved nothing more than going for a recording. But now? Everything is way too complicated.

So, I am a singer.

No, shit! I am an actual singer but obviously, no body knows about it except my family, friends and now, Lucas. I told him like a month ago and he didn't have a problem with it. He even swore to secrecy.

I have kept my identity a secret as always. In reality, I am in a contract with a music company founded by the Knights. Which means basically, I work with the Knights.

And yes, I get paid hansomely for each song because they all are superhits and that's how I have a shit load of money. And I go by the name Erica.

Lucas was devastated after everything that happened but he soon got better because he didn't remember anything. Now, he is just trying to accept the truth and that means he doesn't get out of his room and doesn't talk to anyone except me on an occasional basis. I even had to bring meals to him.

He first told me "I just need a break from everything for a while. I am sure I'll be fine after that."

I was surprised and asked him "Yo-you need a break from me too?"

He actually chuckled at that and said "When I need a break, all I need is you."

Its been five days since that memorable moment which means it's Thursday and i have been living with him ever since and we have not left the house even once.

I will have to go for the weekend and I don't know what to do now! I don't want to leave Lucas here but he can't come with me either.

So, I knocked on his bedroom door and entered after he replied. He was sprawled out on his bed in his sweatpants. Shirtless. He looked deep in thought and i couldn't help but look at those lean muscles.

Snap out of it Ashley! Important conversation ahead.

So, I cleared my throat "Baby, I have something to tell you." I called out.

In response, he let out a hum without blinking. "You remember what i told you about me being Erica." I said.

At that, he looked at me "Well, I have to go to NewYork for a recording of my latest album. I tried to postpone it but it's not.........." I stopped talking at his sudden movements.

He suddenly got up and in the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of me. He looked deep in my eyes with a small smile and his hands grabbed my shoulders gently. My skin burned at his touch and he probably felt that too cause he dropped his hands. This is happening a lot lately.

With just a simple touch, even a brush of his hand, my body lights up on fire and i feel electrified all over. In a good way and i have heard his sharp intakes of breath too which indicates that he feels the same.

"You should go, i'm fine." His voice came out huskier and he cleared his throat.

"No, you are not and...." He cut off my argument with a quick peck and i literally melted on the stop because I wanted more.

"No buts, you are going and that's final." He said.

I sighed and said "fine". He got a full blown grin at that and threw another question.

"When are you going by the way?"

I hesitated for a second and said "By tonight's flight."

His grin vanished at that. I quickly said "I won't go if you..."

And he cut me off just as quickly "No, no, you will go. You need to pack and get everything ready."

He jumped from his place and I laughed. He immediately went in his closet and started collecting my stuff.

He shouted "When will you get back?"

I shouted back "On sunday."

He then got out with a bag pack and a black shirt on. That was quick.

"This all is not enough. We should go to yours to get your passport and other things and I will drop you off at the airport. Leave your car here." He said a little out of breath.

I slowly walked upto him and gave him a blissful hug. The electrifying sensation returned and he sighed. He dropped the bag and hugged me back, while kissing my head. He literally lifted me from the ground while hugging me, making me laugh.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I also said.

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