Part 23 : Best friends

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Ashley's POV

I took my coffee cup from him and took a sip. I am really happy to be with my brothers but i am feeling anxious from inside because I don't know what Lucas is feeling. I really wish I could read his thoughts.

He then asked "Who are you in real?"

We all stiffened. Me, Alan and Aaron then looked at him at the same time.

"I am Ashley. My past won't change my present or future. Although there are some things that you don't know yet, but you will find out soon."

I mustered up a smile towards him but he just nodded slowly. I was getting more anxious as the time passed. And finally he looked at me and gave me a small smile. I heaved a sigh of relief. I could tell that Alan was smiling at me but Aaron's arm around me tightened.

Alan has always been the laid-back kinda brother with boys while Aaron is the serious overprotective one. But Alan can also get overprotective at times. But still, me and Aaron have always been closer.

Suddenly, Vanessa spoke looking at Alan "Why do i think that i have seen you before?"

Alan gulped. I giggled and said "Yes Alan, tell her who you are!"

Lucas was seeing our exchange with curious eyes. Vanessa's eyes then widened and she jumped from her seat, realizing who my brother is.

" You...... You are Alan Parker"

Lucas's eyes also widened and me and Aaron chuckled. Of course they know who Alan is! He is the world famous basketball player. He is in USA's national team as the youngest player.

Carter then said with excitement as he pointed at his leg "Oh my god! I want your autograph on my leg."

Alan groaned. This is the first time Carter spoke and Xavier hasn't uttered a word since. Alan stood up and they all got autographs and took selfies with him.

I quietly stood up and sat down next to Lucas. He also wrapped his arms around me with a smile on his lips. I sighed in content and leaned back on his chest.

Aaron turned towards me but frowned seeing my position. He opened his mouth to say something but i raised my eyebrows, giving him a challenging look to say something. I have always been stubborn like my mom and got my temper from my dad.

Aaron muttered "Never mind. We have a surprise for you princess." He said with a cheeky grin. This also got Alan's attention and they both stood up, me following them.

Suddenly, the door burst open and two blonde girls ran towards me. They both hugged me and the three of us fell on the ground. I exclaimed "What the hell!"

I then pushed them both off of me and rubbed my arm. All the boys were giving us amused looks. I glanced at the girls and my eyes widened while my jaw dropped. They were Kelly and Juliana. My two best friends.

"Oh my god! Kelly and julie! " I shouted and jumped on them as I wrapped my arms around them and we again landed on the floor.

"Ouch! girl you have gotten heavy." Kelly said while grinning.

I replied " Oh! Shut up" They both laughed and we got up and hugged each other properly.

Then, James walked in, smiling like a little kid. "Princess! You are all grown up! " I grinned and hugged him too.

James is their elder brother and like a brother to me. We have all know each other since we were in diapers. The boys are best friends while us girls are best friends. Their parents are my god-parents.

Julie said "Wow! You have surrounded yourself with handsome men" All the men present smirked.

I started looking around the room, even under the bed. Aaron asked in confusion "What are you looking for?"

I replied with a smug smile "Handsome men"

Alan, James and Lucas rolled their eyes while others laughed.

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