Part 18 : Emergency alarm

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Ashley's POV

I am soo jealous of her.

Oh Vanessa !

How easily she can express her feelings towards Lucas where as me, I can't do anything about it.


Cause it can expose my identity which can be very dangerous at the moment. Because we don't know if the man is alive or not.

The man who took my freedom away from me.

Freedom of seeing my family and freedom of letting someone in. But it will be over soon. I just have to wait a little longer.

Right now, I am sitting in my car, driving to the campus. I am wearing a colorful track suit which consists of a half-sleeved T-shirt and trousers. My hair hanging loosely with my necklace.

I really don't want to see Vanessa right now

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I really don't want to see Vanessa right now. But there is no other choice. As I parked my car, I saw her already clinging on Lucas's arm while he had a dangerously calm expression on his face. I gritted my teeth and went out.

As Lucas saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed her off and walked towards me. I had a blank face but instantly smiled when he engulfed me in a hug.

I also returned the hug and saw Vanessa's pissed off look from over Lucas's shoulder.

She threw daggers at me through her eyes but I smiled sweetly and gave her a wink. It made her more pissed and she strode away getting inside.

Carter chuckled behind me and Xavier was on his phone. We broke the hug and he took my hand in his. We both had small smiles on our faces and we all walked in.

In the middle of the first lecture, the emergency alarm suddenly rang and me and Lucas looked at each other with widened eyes. Everybody broke into whispers and we four stood up alarmed.

I clutched my bag a little worried. What could have happened now?

Then suddenly, we heard gun shots coming from far away but still loud and clear. Fear was evident on everyone's face but my expression was blank matching Lucas who also held his bag securely.

At some point, the teacher went out without even getting noticed. We all shared worried glances and the class was in chaos.

Then two men suddenly came inside and silence fell upon us. They both had masks on and were in fully black clothes.

They searched the crowd and their gaze landed on us, or mainly me. They quickly took out their guns and pointed towards us.

Lucas stood in front of me and one of the men said "Come with us"

Lucas began to move as he is a Kingsley and they are probably here to blackmail his parents for money or so.

But the other man stopped him and said "Not only you, but the girl behind you too, Ashley Parker."

The first man again continued "We never thought we would find you like this, living a low key life, away from your family."

Both of them sneered. Everybody was confused but i was stunned.

They found me.

Please God, this cannot happen.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I will find out who the person behind this is after I go there.

As seeing my panic, Lucas intertwined our hands and gave me a small smile. I tried to calm my heart which was going at a million miles speed and just nodded at the man who smirked my way. Lucas glared at him fiercely. If eyes could kill, then that man would be six feet under by now.

Both of our faces showing zero emotions, we made our way outside the door. Xavier and Carter with matching expressions followed us.

Lucas looked at me and nodded, giving me a silent signal and I smiled. He counted upto three silently before we both swiftly turned around and i kicked the man's hand and the gun fell to the ground.

He looked shocked but quickly reacted and threw a punch my way which I ducked and he threw a punch again and I caught his hand and punched him in the face twice with great strength which resulted in a broken nose.

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