Part 14 : Study session

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Ashley's POV

We both rushed to our lecture and stumbled in. I was about to fall but found my balance at the right time.

We both were panting as this class was in the second building and we ran all the way here.

The teacher put her hand on her hips trying to look intimidating but was looking rather funny with her 5.1 ft figure. We both were now trying to hide our laughs by covering our mouths pretending like we are coughing.

She finally said "Why are you two late? "

Lucas replied "We were late because I was about to ki....... Ow."

I quickly stopped him by stomping my foot on his and said "Be..because he..he forgot something in his locker."

I was once again blushing and Lucas chuckled. Students also chuckled and some even snickered.

The teacher looked rather bored and replied "Whatever, Sit down."

We both went towards our seats and sat down. He leaned back on his chair and I took out my notebook from my bag and started taking notes from the board.

The lectures all went quickly. I made my ways towards the library and sat down on the further most table. Lucas will be here after half an hour or so. I started researching on my own and was so engrossed in it that i didn't even notice when Lucas came back and sat down next to me.

I looked up and saw him without his books but with his sketchbook. I raised an eyebrow or tried to raise one but instead raised both.

He said "I have already done it. So, you continue with your work while I continue with mine." He opened his sketchbook but hid it well from me.

I asked while continuing my work "When are you going to show me what you are making?"

He chuckled as he knew that i was going to ask this. Well, he knew because I always ask this whenever I see him with it.

He said "You know I have never showed it to anyone before. But maybe, someday I will show you. One day."

He smiled at me and I kind of felt special at that moment. I will be the first person to see his drawings. I know it's nothing important for some people but for me, these kind of sweet little things are very special.

I smiled back and said "I hope that day will come soon."

After that, no words were spoken and there was a comfortable silence between us. We both were silently enjoying each other's company.

I never thought that after everything that happened in my life, I will ever find happiness.

From past five years, I was in a dark place all alone.

In depression.

Following the same routine everyday.

Home to school and school to home.

Never really talked to anyone.

The children in the hospital and Netflix were the only things keeping me from getting insane from loneliness.

Then, Lucas came into my life. I am still in darkness but atleast not alone. It will take time to bring me back to light, I don't know how much but atleast for now, I am not alone.

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realize I was staring at Lucas but not seeing him. I know, It doesn't make sense but whatever.

Lucas pulled me out of my train of thoughts by saying "You are staring."

I got back my senses and quickly looked away while saying "No, I am not."

I could already feel heat creeping on my face. He chuckled by my reaction but didn't said anything else.

After study session, Lucas dropped me at my house and the bike ride was amazing to say the least.

As I was inside, I realized that I didn't have a dress for the party. So I went in a mall and found a dress with matching heels. It's a good thing that I can walk in heels all day without feeling any pain and getting uncomfortable. It is one of the things that I inherited from my mom. We both are very good with heels.

I spent the night and the next day preparing for the assignment.

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