Part 37 : Gold diggers

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Ashley's POV

"Are you calling us gold diggers?" I retorted angrily and glared at him.

Before Mason could reply, my brother spoke in "Listen here, we don't need your money. My sister here has a Tesla, a Bugatti and a mansion under her name while I will take over my father's company after a few months and i also have a mansion in New York, a Bugatti and a Lamborghini. My brother also have a mansion in New York with two cars. And you probably know him. Alan Parker. The youngest basketball player in USA." His tone became smug while talking about Alan.

I knew lucas was angry that's why I kept my hand on his thigh to keep him from lashing out. But now I stared at my brother incredulously.

"You sounded so childish like that and you don't have to tell them anything." I told him.

Although we have a lot more properties under our name, its a good thing he didn't mention them. Aaron just scoffed and Kiara rolled her eyes. He then poured her a glass of water. Maria was silently giggling while Mason was rendered speechless.

He then narrowed his eyes "How can i be sure that you are not lying when you lied in my first question?"

"And you have to be a little bit more specific." Aaron replied nonchalantly.

"How can you help your father when you are orphans?" Mason calmly reframed his question.

Now, we all stared at him and me and Aaron stated at the same time "You investigated our background." He didn't act rashly and calmly nodded.

Aaron looked at me and smirked and said "Father would have done the same if we ever brought anyone home. Especially with you princess."

"You think I don't know that! " I replied and rolled my eyes.

He just grinned with Lucas and Kiara. "Do I match your standards, sweetheart?"  Lucas asked me in a teasing manner, as he leaned in a little towards me.

"No, you don't. But I can manage." I replied in the same way.

Mason then cleared his throat. "Oh, yes. Baby, can you tell your father what I told you!" I asked Lucas.

"Of course" He said and started explaining everything briefly. He left out a lot details though.

"Oh! Poor child, you had to go through so much at such a young age." Maria said and walked upto me for a hug.

Mason was thinking carefully in the end of our little story time. Kiara and Aaron have started eating again while Ryder was watching rhymes with headphones on because he was already done eating. I hugged her back and it felt a lot like my mom's hug. I haven't met her in for like 8 years.

"This all means that Parker is not your real name." Mason stated. That sentence alone got everyone silent.

I didn't want to lie because it would only cause more mis-understandings and said "Yes, Parker is not our real name."

"Then what is it?" He asked again.

"We cannot tell you that, yet. When the right time comes, we will." Aaron replied for me.

It looked like everyone expected this because nobody showed any surprise. Mason then got a call and he excused himself and walked out.

"Do you think we should go back, I mean if you are uncomfortable......"

I cut Lucas off and said "No, I am fine. And it will leave a bad impression on your parents about me if we leave now." He nodded.

Aaron and Kiara were chatting with Maria and we also joined them.

Mason strode in a minute later and said "Get up children, we are leaving." We all got up with relieved smiles which didn't last long.

"You both are not to meet with these liars again." He said again.

He literally left us all speechless for a moment and that was the last straw because Lucas and Aaron exploded at the same time. The glass in Aaron's hand smashed and if looks could kill, Mason would have been six feet under by Aaron's glare.

Lucas fumed and yelled "You don't get to tell us anything. You cannot control our lives. Choosing our life partner is our fucking business so keep your nose out of it." I would have swooned over him for that life partner thing if it wasn't for the situation that we were in.

Mason angrily retorted "Watch your tongue, boy. I am your father here, not you." Oh damn! Lucas is not a boy, he is a full grown man. That was not good!

Lucas was raging now and he shouted "I will watch it if you stop meddling in our affairs. And I am not a boy anymore and I don't have to listen to you anymore." 

Aaron smirked at that. I on the other hand am worried. I don't want to cause a drift in their relationship. I put my hands on his arm and tried to soothe him. He calmed down a little. But just a little which wasn't enough. He was still breathing heavily and his face was a little red.

Mason again said "I can certainly tell you what to do......."

He was cut off by Kiara saying "I am pregnant."

Pin drop silence fell upon us and that made everybody sit back down. Saying that we all were shocked would be an understatement. We were beyond speechless.

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